At 29 the president of Sushi Taxi aims to have

At 29, the president of Sushi Taxi aims to have 100 restaurants

The Quebec company Sushi Taxi takes it into second gear. And even in the third. The ambitious goal is to reach 100 branches within the next five years.

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President Rosanne Giguère is convinced that her brand can be sustainably established in all parts of Quebec during this time.

“That’s five times our current number of branches,” says the man who will open his 22nd restaurant in Laval on Tuesday. As a team we can support this.

“It’s a great, motivating mission internally.”

Ready for the storm

The current economic situation, in which many families are tightening their belts, does not cause Ms. Giguère to worry about achieving her goal.

“We still remain an affordable solution,” she adds. It’s like a treat.

“We saw that during the pandemic. People wanted to treat themselves despite the restrictions. This time, financial constraints will come into play. We have a very diverse offering.”

She decided to believe in her plan and put it into action like she always did in the past.

“We have results that allow us to weather the storm,” emphasizes Ms. Giguère. We will offer more competitive offers to satisfy our customers. You have to be able to juggle music.

“We will prepare for the pitfalls that come our way.”

A makeover

After more than 20 years of existence, Sushi Taxi has decided to renew its brand image at all levels. However, there is no question of touching the recipes that made him famous.

“Initially it was a very bold brand that wanted to shake things up,” explains Ms. Giguère. Over time it has been tempered by a more corporate image.”

The president and her team wanted to give the whole thing new impetus.

“We reworked everything at Sushi Taxi while keeping the basics. We are bold in our tastes yet remain sophisticated.

“Our image is now more sophisticated and current. It really represents us and will set us apart in the long term.”

In addition, the Laval branch, which opens its doors on Tuesday at Marché 440, is the culmination of the management team’s reflections over the past year.

“It is the culmination of all this work and a kind of laboratory for our new brand image. We changed our website and the visual appearance of our boxes while creating multiple drinks.”

  • Sushi Taxi will also be based in Sainte-Thérèse and Saguenay from January 2024.

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