Aurora Ramazzotti revealed sons gender Itll be a boy

Aurora Ramazzotti revealed son’s gender: It’ll be a boy

celebrations in shades of blue. Ten days after confirmation Pregnancy, Aurora Ramazotti and Goffredo Cerza revealed the gender of the incoming child: It’ll be a boy. “An incredible emotion,” they write on Instagram future parents. “All photos will arrive on Tuesday, but we wanted to share it with you before someone else did. Thank you all, We love you“. With a lot of blue heart.

There was air of announcement it was clear from the morning. “My heart explodes with happinessHe anticipated Michelle Hünziker. “Aurora, if she wants, will tell you why“. Then here comes a series of in social networks pink and light blue bracelets, then a giant cake with a giant question mark: details of a tender Gender Reveal Partyorganized by the inseparable friend Sarah Danielle.

Instagram content

This content can also be viewed on the website from which it originated.

hugs, smiles etc tears of joy: “A wonderful day,” writes Aurora in the stories, also posts a sweet shot With Papa Eros. In the meantime, let’s start taking a look a touch of bellyshown for the first time a few days ago during a visit to Mom Michelle: «Love, you have a special light if I didn’t know you I would say that you are pregnantThe presenter joked.

messages by pregnancywhich circulated on the Internet for weeks before official confirmation of those directly affected: “We wanted to apologize to all of our friends who this month we had to say noThe parents-to-be wrote in the margins of one funny video ad. “When the news broke, it wasn’t time yet communicate publicly. That’s how it went ».

«For those who understand, for those who hear, for those who see. I love you“.

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