Barbara DUrso takes sides Youre not the one to be.webp

Barbara D’Urso takes sides: You’re not the one to be ashamed of…

Barbara D’Urso is not afraid to take a stand and take sides, even on difficult issues. From violence against women to discrimination of every kind, Barbara D’Urso has always gotten her messages across clearly, and she did it again this time…

Barbara D'Urso takes sides: They don't have to be ashamed

Barbara D’Urso has long been an advocate for gay rights and beyond. there conductor out afternoon 5 he has never shied away from taking sides openly and honestly, even on very sensitive issues. That transfers out Barbara D’Urso They have often become the sounding board for broadcasting Messages positive, extolling respect for others, love and peace.

Of the force against women discrimination of all kinds, many topics have been addressed by in recent years Barbara D’Urso with the aim of changing things. there conductor out afternoon 5, even on vacation she wanted to comment on a recent episode that caught her eye…

Barbara D’Urso defends a gay cup

Barbara D'Urso takes sides: They don't have to be ashamed

Barbara D’Urso reported about Twitter (where it is followed by almost a million followers) a news of the last few days published in various national newspapers, including La Repubblica. The awkward episode saw the writer as the protagonist Jonathan Bazi and his companion walking the streets of the Umbrian town of Todi. It felt like an ordinary evening when another man in his forties came by and invited others from his party to make fun of there gay couple in an open way.

A heavy consequence and deplorable, which obviously prompted the author to immediately report the incident and also talk about it on social networks. Barbara D’Urso Wanting to make his support felt, he took the opportunity to reiterate the importance of acknowledging universal love:

A hug to Jonathan Bazzi and his partner. don’t be you shame on you, whoever is still here today, in 2022, has to do it! Long live love, always and in any case.