Measles vaccination in Germany now

Measles vaccination in Germany now fixed

Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court has finally approved a measles vaccination requirement in kindergartens and schools that has been in effect since March 2020.

As the Karlsruhe court announced today, it has rejected the constitutional claims of parents of unvaccinated kindergarten children as unfounded. Invasions of fundamental rights are reasonable to protect particularly vulnerable people from infection.

In May 2020, it had provisionally confirmed the obligation to vaccinate in a preliminary emergency process. The measles vaccination requirement was introduced to improve protection against the highly contagious viral infection. Since then, children over one year old can only attend day care centers or day care centers with proof of vaccination or immunity.

Measles vaccination is also mandatory in schools. An exclusion of unvaccinated children is not possible because of the legal obligation to attend school. The school informs the health authorities, there is a risk of fines for parents.