BBB 24 Rodriguinho questions Davis39 sexuality and sister reprimands Portal

BBB 24: Rodriguinho questions Davis' sexuality and sister reprimands Portal iG

Photo: Reproduction/Globo January 16, 2024

Rodriguinho questioned Davis' sexuality on “BBB 24.”


Rodriguinho questioned Davis' sexuality during a conversation on “BBB 24” in the early hours of this Tuesday (16). The singer made the comment while assessing the app driver's attitude in arguments, pointing out how the brother reiterated that “he's a man.”

“He asserts himself too much. At any time, [fala:] “I'm a man because I'm a man. He keeps asserting himself and that bothers me,” said Lucas Pizane. “Is he gay?” asked Rodriguinho, while the brother from the Pipoca group laughed.

Giovanna Pitel joined the chat in the gym and reprimanded her delivery colleague. “Look, let’s not be homophobic,” he warned. “No no. I ask this because he keeps saying he's a man. I have no doubt that he is a man. But this statement…” the singer replied.

The Camarote member also mocked Pitel's reprimand for the homophobic comment. Watch the video with the following statement:

Rodriguinho wonders if Davi is gay because he always says: “He's a man”

Pitel: “Look! Let’s not be homophobic.” #BBB24

Dantas (@Dantinhas) January 16, 2024

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