Buena Fe musician Ernesto Cisneros is moving to Miami

Buena Fe musician Ernesto Cisneros is moving to Miami

The pianist, arranger and music producer of the official Cuban duo Good faithErnesto Cisneros Cino, had moved to Miami in the last few hours, the artist himself reported on his Facebook profile.

On February 14, the musician, who had worked in the group since 2002, announced that he had left the group, and this Saturday he updated his information on the social network, where he indicated that he had moved to Miami.

Facebook post

According to a publication this Saturday, there are already several cooperation projects in the USA.

Facebook post

Last year, singer Israel Rojas lamented that the group had lost several of its members in connection with the Cuban immigration crisis.

After Buena Fe intensified its defense of the Cuban regime despite events such as the repression of protesters on July 11, 2021, the group lost thousands of its followers.

Facebook post

Likewise, Cuban activists in several countries have denounced their complicity with totalitarianism on the island and in countries such as Spain that they have reached Cancellation of their concerts.

Rojas was even included in one List of Cuban repressors.

Finally, in the early 2000s, one of the favorite groups of Cuban youth became an official troupe that is attracting fewer and fewer followers.