Israel Hamas on the way to a six week ceasefire

Israel Hamas on the way to a six week ceasefire: what happens?

Israel has “pretty much accepted” a proposed six-week ceasefire in Gaza, saying there is “a framework of agreement” that Israel has “more or less accepted.” During the ceasefire, a second phase of the agreement could be agreed “to build something more permanent.” According to CNN, a senior Biden administration official told reporters.

The point that needs to be clarified, the senior official explained, is that there is no agreement with Hamas on a “defined category of hostages.” “This category of vulnerable hostages” is at the heart of the agreement. The United States has held several meetings in Israel and one in Paris in recent weeks, he continued.

New negotiations in Cairo

New negotiations on the ceasefire in Gaza and the release of the hostages are expected in Cairo, two well-informed sources told CNN, without specifying the dates. The talks will take place at an expert level with the participation of the USA, Israel, Egypt and Hamas. It is unclear whether Qatar will also be there. The talks between Israel and Hamas are being conducted indirectly, with representatives from both sides in separate rooms.

Gantz in Washington, but without Netanyahu's approval

Meanwhile, War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz is flying to Washington against Benjamin Netanyahu's approval, a source close to Netanyahu quoted by Haaretz reports. “The Prime Minister made it clear to Gantz last night that he did not approve of his trip to Washington. Any foreign trip by a minister, be it not private but in an official capacity, requires the approval of the Prime Minister,” he said. the source reported.

But Gantz decided to carry on anyway. In Washington he will meet Vice President Kamala Harris and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, his office said. We then move on to London, where further “high-level” meetings are planned. Gantz, a former chief of staff and former defense minister, was the leader of the opposition to Netanyahu. After the conflict in Gaza broke out, he joined the War Cabinet.

Yesterday, thousands took to the streets in Jerusalem for the hostages

Thousands of people demonstrated in Jerusalem to demand the release of the hostages. The crowd gathered in Paris Square near the residence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Many of the participants arrived in Jerusalem with the unity march that began Wednesday from Re'im, the site of the Supernova music festival, scene of one of the bloodiest episodes of the Hamas attack on October 7.

Speakers on stage included the mothers of Avinatan Or and Romi Gonen, a boy and a girl who were kidnapped at the Supernova rave. With their joint appearance they wanted to underline the unity in which they demanded the release of their children, although they have very different backgrounds from a political and religious perspective, reports Times of Israel.

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