Israel demands a list of the hostages still alive before

Israel demands a list of the hostages still alive before continuing negotiations with Hamas

Israel sets conditions for continuing negotiations for the release of the hostages. The Israeli government particularly wants to know how many of these hostages are still alive before resuming negotiations, while there is increasing talk of a new deal that would allow for a ceasefire and the release of hostages. Their families continue their campaign for their release.

Published on: 03/02/2024 – 10:49 p.m. Modified on: 03/02/2024 – 11:49 p.m

3 mins

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Michael Paul

Israel refuses to continue mediation with Hamas as long as the Palestinian organization does not do so a list of the hostages being held in Gaza who are still alive. An Israeli security source quoted by Israeli media also stresses that Hamas must provide an immediate response on the number of Palestinian prisoners to be released as part of a new exchange.

At this point, Israel has confirmed that no Israeli delegation will travel to Cairo to continue the talks proposed by Egyptian intelligence.

Israeli officials hope that American pressure on mediators could eventually prompt Hamas to provide answers to these questions.

Meanwhile, the same Israeli sources believe that significant progress has been made. The target for a new agreement remains the start of the holy month of Ramadan, which is expected to occur on March 10.

Also read: Aid deliveries in Gaza: “A way to clear one’s conscience and hide a lack of political will”

Hostage families march from the Gaza Strip to Jerusalem

In the meantime, The pressure on the Israeli government continues. The families of the hostages held in Gaza are continuing their campaign for their release, meeting on the evening of March 2, at the end of a four-day march from the Gaza Strip border to the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset). official residence of the Israeli Prime Minister.

Families and supporters of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza complete the final leg of a four-day march from the Israel-Gaza border to Jerusalem on Saturday, March 2, 2024, in Jerusalem to demand the immediate release of all hostages demand.

Families and supporters of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza complete the final leg of a four-day march from the Israel-Gaza border to Jerusalem on Saturday, March 2, 2024, in Jerusalem to call for the immediate release of all hostages demand. © Mahmoud Illean / AP

“The return of the hostages, now”: This is what their loved ones demand again and again. A total of 15,000 people took part in this symbolic march.

Yaron believes Israel should have put more pressure on Hamas for humanitarian aid: “It serves someone's specific interests not to advocate for the release of the hostages,” he said, one of the protesters displaying two Israeli flags . I say this with great regret and I won't say his name because we are on French radio. But a word to the wise, hello! »

Shock and demands for elections

Gili was deeply shocked by this The Israeli army fires on a Palestinian crowd last Thursday looking for flour in Gaza. The drama has caused a great stir in world opinionwith a possible reversal of Western support for Israel.

“I call it slaughter,” says Gili. I didn't coin the term, but it seems that's exactly what happened. People came to eat bread with a little flour and were shot at: why? Don't we know that they are starving? They are being shot at because the government wants to get rid of them to clean up the Gaza Strip. »

In several Israeli cities, particularly Tel Aviv, tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets to demand new elections.

[REPORTAGE] Hostage families reach the end of their march between Gaza and Jerusalem

Michael Paul

Read alsoIn Southeast Asia, news from Gaza puts the Palestinian issue at the center of the debate