1665240314 Chanel Totti the crazy photo of Ilary Blasis daughter today

Chanel Totti, the crazy photo of Ilary Blasi’s daughter: today …

Chanel Totti the crazy photo of Ilary Blasis daughter today

Headlights always aimed Ilary Blasi and Francesco Toti. But in this case too Chanel Toti, the daughter. Yes, because most of them have noticed how mother and daughter are more and more two drops of water. The resemblance was very strong. But now it’s really impressive.

Yes, because Chanel has radically changed her appearance, changing hair color: He made her blonde, very blonde, just like mother Ilary. And he proudly presented the result on his Instagram page. Now it’s really two drops of water.

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The photo was taken by the hairdresser, in the Eur district in Rome where she curled up: very light blonde and a perfect crease. Perhaps there is also a signal behind the election: a new page, a new life after the certainly painful moment of his parents’ separation, at the center of thousands of controversies surrounding the way they said goodbye.

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But with the children The highest level of confidentiality applies. It has only leaked out that the three children – as the gossip magazines assure – have maintained an excellent relationship with both parents.

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