Clothing stores in Kabul cover mannequins with bags

Clothing stores in Kabul cover mannequins with bags

By order of the Taliban regime, mannequins were beheaded or had their faces covered with bags

On orders from the Taliban regime, they behead mannequins or cover their faces with bags. Photo: AP

Clothing stores for women in Kabul Cover the mannequins with cloth or black plastic bags by government order Taliban. At first he wanted the characters to just be decapitated.

Some cloth vendors complied, others opposed, and the regime allowed merchants to cover their heads instead of decapitating the mannequins.

The government based its order on a strict interpretation of the Islamic law which bans statues and images in human form because, he said, they could be worshiped as idols, although it is also linked to the regime’s drive to remove women from public life. (PRM)

(Taken by Cuba Debate)

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