1684073305 Consecrated Ednita Nazario to the Queen of the Puerto Rican

Consecrated Ednita Nazario to the Queen of the Puerto Rican Public

Beginning tonight, singer Ednita Nazario can proclaim herself the undisputed queen of Puerto Rican audiences as she performs her 20th performance to a full house Jose Miguel Agrelot Coliseum of Puerto Rico and set the record for the first woman with the most shows at the island’s premier venue.

The number 20 is not enough, today, Sunday, he returns to the stage to celebrate Mother’s Day with his 21st performance in the venue nicknamed the “House of Reggaeton” but given to the “Diva de Ponce”. very well as “Ednita’s house” and no one questions it. In the 19 years since the creation of the Choliseo, there have been more than twenty functions, all of which have been sold.

None of these evenings has disappointed Ednita, because her formula is infallible: surrendering completely in a lavish passion and feelings to an enthusiastic audience that adores her.

One of the guests at the concert was salsa singer Gilberto Santa Rosa.One of the guests at the concert was salsa singer Gilberto Santa Rosa. (Stephanie Rojas)

The “La reina” concert was just that. Once again, Ednita became “energy” as she describes herself on a stage where there is only one connection between the audience and the singer. After the lights went out at around 10:00 p.m., the audience chanted “Ednita, Ednita” in anticipation of the night they would spend with their musical idol.

To the surprise of the audience, Ednita opened the musical evening with her anthem “I want you to make love to me”, which delighted those present and caused euphoria. Dressed in white and wearing a radiant cloak, she interpreted the theme from a red throne of Italian Baroque design, symbolizing her reign. She wasn’t lacking in the sensuality with which she interpreted the hit to elicit screams from the mostly female viewers.

“I can’t believe it, I seem to be living a dream I don’t want to wake up from. My function 20. As I said in an interview, even in my most bizarre dream, I never imagined that a night like this would happen. It’s a dream for me and for all the people who have always believed in me and believe in me. Thank you, thank you very much. I celebrate being here with you as a woman, an artist, a mother, a professional woman, a Puerto Rican and a citizen of the world. “I’m just telling you not to rush,” the singer said, visibly moved, as part of her initial greeting after performing the songs “Still” and the medley from “Don’t Leave Me Alone,” “I’ll stay here” and “metamorphosis”.

The show featured a repertoire of 21 songs to which he added seven medleys, for a total of more than 35 songs performed over more than two hours.

The integration of a long catwalk allowed the artist to be close to the audience, with whom she constantly spoke and responded to the constant praise she received during the concert.

Nostalgia ruled the entire Choliseo, who sang the hits “My Little Love,” “Look At Me,” and “I Keep Waiting For You” from start to finish.

Ahead of the three themes, Ednita reflected on breakups, selective memories, and the adversities people face throughout their lives. He challenged audiences not to fall in love with the ground when they stumble. He also added a detailed reflection on eliminating violence in its various forms and how there can be no place in society for phobias or rejection of the LGBTQI and other communities.

The hits “It Doesn’t Hurt So Much Anymore”, “The Craziest, The Most Beautiful”, “Free Spirit”, “Now It’s Too Late”, “A Broken Heart”, “After You”, “I Know That I “I will laugh” and “A que no te vas” were among the songs most frequently sung by the audience.

Especially with the classic “A heart made piece”, Ednita put on a masterful vocal performance, which brought her the expected ovations.

It should be noted that in her career spanning more than five decades, something stands out for Ednita, then her interpretive strength and her vocal performance. Ednita really sings and sings.

As guests of the evening, as in the previous shows, the diva de Ponce invited her friends to become accomplices in her concerts. This time the first guest was Gilberto Santa Rosa with the song “Being your friend”. The voice of “Vengada” explained that she owed the invitation to the “Caballero de la Salsa” as he once allowed her to go on stage even when she wasn’t playing salsa. “We’re level,” Ednita told him at the end of the duet, hugging him in confusion.

But the real ecstasy of the concert came with the participation of singer-songwriter Draco Rosa, who interpreted another of the artist’s anthems, the song “Major que grande” composed by the composer.

Ednita thanked Draco for daring to produce the album “Corazón”, the most musically creative of her career and the album that took her out of her comfort zone.

For the last part of the show, Ednita opted for two medleys containing the hits “Lo que las cosas”, “El dolor de tu presencia”, “A que no le cuentas”, “No me amas” and “La prohibida”. . and “I’ll learn.” The evening’s conclusion was “Mas bad than you.”