1683923309 Country and Passion Daniel pays a surprise visit to Aline

Country and Passion: Daniel pays a surprise visit to Aline and finds out why Antônio is interested in the country…


The young man will visit Aline and try to convince the girl to sell her land.

Images: Playback/Rede Globo.Images: Playback/Rede Globo.

In the next chapters of Terra e Paixão, AntonioTony Ramos will remain obsessed with countries Aline (Barbara Reis). The pawn will continue to be persistent and make more suggestions to get the teacher’s land, even if it’s rejected each time.

The girl has already thrown it in the face of the rich man, who knows he ordered Samuel’s death and warns that justice will one day be served. However, the patriarch of the La Selva family will send Daniel (Johnny Massaro) to try to convince the girl to sell the land.

> Playback/Speech Globo.

Daniel will not waste any time and will use the opportunity to get even closer to the teacher. While talking by a creek, Antonio’s son notices an unusual detail on Aline’s farm and learns why his father is so interested in the land.

According to information from the Summary of Novels portal, Daniel will notice that the water in Aline’s land is very crystalline, unlike the water in his father’s land, which is muddy. Jonatas (Paulo Lessa) will be responsible for uncovering that water with clay can be an indication that the spring is drying up and this may explain why Antônio wants new land.