Daniele Persegani from It39s Always Midday The indiscretion will break

Daniele Persegani from It's Always Midday: The indiscretion will break your heart iFood

Daniele PerseganiDaniele Persegani – IFood.it (Instagram photo)

The rumors that have been circulating over the last few days are heartbreaking. Soon the cook may no longer be there.

His departure could really be something devastating for the audience at homebecause he likes him so much that it would be a catastrophe if he left the program very hard blow to endure. If the last Rumors are circulating about his departure they should actually be true, that would be the end.

It has been one since 2016 constant presence of Rai 1 and that would be it a real tragedy say goodbye to him now. It would even be for Antonella Clericiwhich, with the exception of 2018 and some editions of “The cooking test“Always worked with him. In addition, there is between the two a beautiful friendship that binds them togetherso the chef's departure would cause one great sadness in the heart of Antonella Clerici.

The two have been working together since “La prova del cuoco”. They started working together in 2016 and continue to do so until the birth of Maelle Martens in the transmission, the presenter's daughter. There They parted ways for a while because Antonella Clerici left the program but Daniele Persegani continued to participate until 2020the year the show stopped airing.

However, when the experience at “La prova del cuoco” ended, she immediately began a new one, but this time alongside Antonella Clerici, from “it is always midday“. It has been since its first edition a constant presence and it would be a great shame indeed if he were to go now.

A farewell that you can hardly imagine

For the moment they are just rumors those announcing the chef's exit from the program, the Indiscretions, so that we can enjoy the presence of Daniele Persegani at “è semper noon” at least for a while longer. However, it is inevitable Imagine the show without his presence.

All it would be emptier and the atmosphere would be heavier. Not to mention that No one would ever see him present the delicious dishes he offers again every time he enters the program studio. They wouldn't be there anymore his chicken wings, his polenta with ragù or his panzerotti. It's terrible to imagine something like that, let alone if it were to actually happen.

Program by Antonella ClericiIt's always lunch – IFood.it (Instagram photo)

I hope it's just rumors

At the moment they are accurate Rumors that have been circulating recently and that they are talking about leaving the chef, there is nothing else that can be done Avoid them as much as possible and hope they are fake.

It sometimes happens that such rumors turn out to be false. Hopefully in this case they are.

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