Did South Africa supply Putin with arms and ammunition

Did South Africa supply Putin with arms and ammunition?

The US accuses South Africa of supplying military equipment to Russia. Pretoria denies it. The Kremlin chief could arrive in August.

Cape Town. The US diplomat chose drastic words to emphasize his serious accusations. He would “bet his life” that South Africa supplied arms and ammunition to Russia, according to Reuben Brigety, the US ambassador to South Africa. He had been asked about his assessment of information available to US intelligence.

The allegation alone has the explosive power to bring already strained relations between the US and South Africa, which Washington officially lists as a “strategic partner”, to a head. And it is likely to send shockwaves across the continent, which accounts for about half of all countries that abstain from voting at the UN on Russia. In February, when it came to the request for the withdrawal of Russian troops, there were 14. Eritrea and Mali voted against.