1664382664 Dom Vittor and Gustavo announce the end of the duo

Dom Vittor and Gustavo announce the end of the duo after Marília Mendonça’s brother was diagnosed with depression

Dom Vittor and Gustavo announced the end of the duo after Marília Mendonça’s brother was diagnosed with depression.

According to a statement published on social media this Wednesday (28), João Gustavo “imagined shortly after the tragedy that befell Marília that somehow he could continue on the road, but it wasn’t quite like that. ”

“On the way he felt the longing ‘scream’. The memories of his sister, his uncle, and the badly lived grief brought him a very strong emotional burden, which, in addition to acute esophagitis, also triggered depression.”

“In order not to harm his partner Dom Vittor, for whom he has affection and admiration, he has decided not to continue with the duo,” the statement continued.

“It’s time to take care of myself, to understand everything that happened, to live what I haven’t lived so I can move on. I don’t know if in music. Today I feel unable to make a decision for the future. my mother, my nephew [Leo, fiho da cantora com o sertanejo Murilo Huff] and above all by me”, says João in the text.

According to the post, Dom Vittor will also continue to pursue his artistic career, but has not yet decided whether he will go solo or train with another partner.

“Since everything is very new, there has not yet been time to assess how,” the statement said. “João is a dear friend, the companion who has brought me nothing but good. I understand the difficulties he is going through and I will always support him,” said Dom Vittor.

The duo Dom Vittor and Gustavo was founded around two years ago by the former “The Voice Kids” contestant and the brother of Marília Mendonça.

Earlier this month the duo had a confirmed participation in the first solo DVD by Luiza Martins, Maurílio’s former duo. However, two days before filming began, the singer claimed the participation had been cancelled. Without explaining the reason, Luiza wrote: “Everything is fine between us. No need to worry, our feat will come out later. We all love each other very much and we love you too.”

2 of 2 Dom Vittor, Marília Mendonça and Gustavo, brother of singer Goiânia Goiás — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

Dom Vittor, Marília Mendonça and Gustavo, brother of singer Goiânia Goiás — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

João Vitor started his career at the age of 7 and appeared in several TV shows in 2016 including The Voice Kids where he was part of the team of coaches Victor and Leo.

Another João, Gustavo, discovered a year ago that his business was music. Before that, he tried playing basketball (he is 1.89 m tall), lived at the computer on gaming platforms and went to college. “I tried to find myself in different ways, but it didn’t work.”

The story of the two 21yearold boys crossed paths in Goiânia in October 2020 when a mutual friend invited the two to compose together.

In December 2021 they released “Calculista”, their first song. But even more: the first song with the participation of Marília Mendonça after the death of the country singer. Gustavo is the singer’s maternal brother.

Before the singer’s early departure, the song was supposed to be released on November 17. But Marília died days earlier, on November 5, after a small plane crashed near a waterfall in the Caratinga mountain range, inside Minas Gerais.

Video: Memory interview with the duo Dom Vittor & Gustavo:

Dom Vittor and Gustavo: Marília Mendonça's brother and exThe Voice Kids start music project

Dom Vittor and Gustavo: Marília Mendonça’s brother and exThe Voice Kids start music project