Donald Trump will get away with it again

Donald Trump will get away with it… again

He is the Houdini of political games, the David Copperfield of American justice, the Alain Choquette of desperate causes. Donald Trump continues to find a way to escape what would bring anyone else onto the streets and destroy even the most distinguished political careers.

The United States Supreme Court agreed this week to consider Donald Trump's claims of complete immunity for any actions he took during his presidency.

At the heart of this approach is a desire to avoid the most serious criminal charges leveled against him, namely attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and renouncing his solemn oath to “preserve, protect, and… the Constitution.” To defend”. The United States.


In early February, the federal appeals court for the District of Columbia rejected the former president's complaints in a 57-page decision that was praised for its severity. When a sitting president, it was clarified, is temporarily immune from prosecution, “former President Trump has become Citizen Trump.”

The US highest court, in deciding to hear an appeal from Trump's lawyers, has set oral arguments for April 22, which would likely result in a decision being filed near the end of the court's term in late June.

One delay leads to another, the judge in this case – Tanya Chutkan – seriously could not begin the trial until the end of September, just five weeks before the presidential election.

At this moment, it would be easy for Trump and his supporters to cry political interference while forcing the Republican nominee to spend the final five weeks of the campaign in a courthouse rather than on the streets of the country.

Judge Chutkan would have no choice but to postpone the trial until after the election, which would mean the trial would never take place if Trump emerged victorious.

A used and abusive legal system

Throughout his public life – as a businessman and politician – Donald Trump has pushed the American justice system to its limits.

Whether after lawsuits from tenants in his properties or after commercial disasters like he has experienced so many times – the bankruptcy of his casino, the failure of the “Trump Shuttle”, his airline, “Trump University”, “Trump Vodka” or “Trump Mortgage” – the real estate developer recycled as a presidential candidate was characterized by delays, calls and putting off deals until the other side was exhausted.

He also managed to exhaust Americans who – after hearing him make disgraceful comments about women in an Access Hollywood video, after allegations of an adulterous relationship with a porn actress while his wife was pregnant, or allegations of sexual misconduct by 26 women found out – are now shrugging their shoulders at the news that he must pay tens of millions of dollars to a woman he continued to insult after his sexual assault conviction.

The presidential election will not take place for another eight months. However, if the vote were to take place today, Trump would win over Biden and return to the White House through the front door. It would be a real magic trick!