elections society quotliquidquot Italians dont like the left

elections, society "liquid" Italians don’t like the left

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Gianluca Mazzini September 28, 2022

It is the history of the left. Mainly Italian. After decades of forced exile, “progressive” parties were co-opted into capitalist power systems. With the fall of the Berlin Wall, slogans and slogans changed, but in order not to lose consensus, these parties believed they could ensnare voters by putting aside economic and social issues. Objective: to propose in return what is defined as “social” achievements in France. Next from Marx following the liberal philosopher Turgot and his motto “laissez-faire” (let it go), the left has overlaid economic freedoms with political ones. By turning economic liberalism into political liberalism.

It is no coincidence that this election campaign the left has drawn heavily on its new progressive weaponry: pro-abortion, gender theories, ecology, anti-fascism, drug decriminalization, border abolition. All this in order to leave behind the defense of work and one’s own people. In practice, unconditional support for the creation of a “liquid society” as a result of moral deregulation functional to the strategies of the ruling classes. All negative values ​​which, on closer inspection, remain a minority for the peoples they wish to refer to.

The case of the survey commissioned by the nonprofit organization is symptomatic Per life and family on gender and school. Clear results: 92% of Italians have heard of gender theories, but only 32% agree (48% against, 20% express no opinion). 50% of respondents believe that there are no infinite sexual identities beyond male and female. For 60% of the respondents, a man who perceives himself as a woman is not able to compete in women’s sports and for 51% who cannot use the toilets and places reserved for women.
The result of the effect of gender theory in the school environment is also sensational. 79% of Italians defend the right of parents to decide how to educate their children on issues related to sexuality and affectivity. 81% think schools need to involve families first in courses or projects on these issues. And for 58% it is wrong to replace the words father and mother with parent 1 and parent 2. In summary, a clear majority of Italians (66%) reject the possibility of subjecting a minor who is unsure of his sexual identity to transitional therapies, including medication or surgery, and 75% believe that in these cases the child may have psychological problems should receive support to reconcile with his biological sex. “These results – explains Jacopo Coghe, spokesman for Pro Vita e Famiglia – clearly indicate that Italians do not want LGBTQIA+ courses and projects in schools.”
It is proof that the social dogmas of the left do not interest the majority of Italians, despite the propaganda. Instead of “social” values, Italians expect answers to the real, nagging problems that really concern them: war, energy crisis, economic catastrophe.