Coronal mass ejection is a well-known phenomenon. With mostly minimal effects unless the intensity is particularly high.
When it comes to the sun, you always have to pay attention to what’s being said. For simple words could be construed as nothing but a possible impending catastrophe.
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Therefore, when the experts signal the arrival of a so-called coronal mass ejection (CME) towards Earth, it would be wise to remain calm. In fact, we’re not talking about an apocalyptic event or who knows what solar storm. A phenomenon of this kind is indeed absolutely normal. In fact, the recent coronal mass ejection hit Earth’s magnetic field as early as Wednesday. No major discrepancies have been found regarding the general order of life on Earth. According to reports from Space Weather Forecast, another geomagnetic storm was recorded on Thursday and another was planned for Friday. The effects can be discussed. In fact, they have been minimal so far.
The speech for the storm on Friday could be completely different. The effects of a coronal mass ejection, as mentioned a fairly common event for a young star like the Sun, they must first be identified on the magnetosphere. Which can be disturbed by the emission of light resulting from the phenomenon. In particular, the magnetosphere is compressed in the star-illuminated region while expanding in the unilluminated region. The phenomenon also produces visual effects. Above all, particularly intense polar lights, the so-called northern lights, when the reconnection of the magnetosphere takes place in the night zone.
Coronal mass ejection from the Sun: the expected consequences on Earth
On a more concrete level, a phenomenon like coronal mass ejection can cause radio transmission interference, power outages and even damage to satellites. In addition to disrupting electrical transmission lines. It is a widely known and studied phenomenology, so that as early as 1859 it was possible to record the most intense geomagnetic disturbance, with observation of a torch by Richard Christopher Carrington. It is not surprising that the phenomenon would later take the name of the Carrington event, as it is still the most powerful geomagnetic storm on record. However, the renewed ejection from the sun has nothing to do with an event like that of 1859, which, incidentally, burst onto earth at a time when the most advanced technology was that of the telegraph.
And sure enough, the disturbances on the telegraph lines were recorded. However, those expected for Friday’s solar wave could have their impact in the form of fluctuations in the power grid, Creation of satellite irregularities and degradation of radio and GPS signals. The main impacts should therefore be registered in space. Mainly on satellites, including geolocation satellites. Probably some interference with surface electrical systems, but nothing apocalyptic of course. At least from this point of view you can rest easy (for now).
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