Explosion of asylum applications in Mexico a historic increase in

Explosion of asylum applications in Mexico: a historic increase in the last decade

According to the latest statistics from the Mexican Commission for Refugees (Comar), around 140,982 people sought refuge in Mexico in 2023. The reason for this record number, the highest in a decade, ranges from feelings of insecurity to perceptions of persecution in these individuals' countries of origin.

The origin of the increase in refugee applications

The first time Comar documented asylum applications was in 2013 with 1,295 applications. In the following years the number increased gradually: 2,137 in 2014, 3,422 in 2015, 8,791 in 2016, 14,587 in 2017, 29,441 in 2018 and 70,278 in 2019. However, in 2020 there was a significant decrease to 40,817 Inquiries have been recorded, which is attributed to the global health emergency resulting from the Covid19 pandemic, which consequently restricted international transit. But later the numbers began to rise again: 129,585 in 2021, 119,273 in 2022 and 140,982 in 2023 an increase of 21,709 requests compared to the previous year.

Driver of the increase in refugee numbers

For Sandra Álvarez, director of the NGO Sin Fronteras, the increase is complex and multifactorial. She mentions the activities of criminal groups in Central America, political conflicts, economic instability, and the common goal of many immigrants to first seek refuge in Mexico and then seek refuge in the United States.

Countries with the largest number of asylum seekers

In 2023, the three countries from which the most asylum applications came to Mexico were Haiti, with 44,239 applications; Honduras with 41,935; and Cuba with 18,386. These three countries have remained at the top of the rankings for the past three years, despite changing positions.

For example, requests from Haitian refugees are largely due to public uncertainty, the impact of the 2010 earthquake and climate change in their country. Meanwhile, Honduran refugees often point to organized crime, extortion and genderbased violence as reasons for their claims. Cuban applicants generally allege possible political persecution.

Asylum application process

Comar is responsible for analyzing and investigating all asylum applications in Mexico. From 2013 to 2023, Mexico received 560,608 applications, of which 115,410 were approved. Another 10,805 applications were approved for additional protection, a status that allows the applicant to remain in Mexico without obtaining refugee status. The application was rejected in 50,193 cases, the rest are still pending.