Fabio Fazio leaving Rai The conductor is about to be

Fabio Fazio leaving Rai? The conductor is about to be signed to Discovery

Fabio Fazio Ready to leave Rai? Rumors are circulating these hours that there would already be an exit towards Discovery. In fact, Che Tempo che fa’s landlord’s contract is expiring and Fazio hasn’t received a new offer from Rai, at least for now.

Nothing official yet, but the near-natural landing appears to be Discovery itself, where, as reported by Repubblica, Fazio’s manager, Beppe helmethas already brought Maurizio Crozza, which will be broadcast directly on Nove with the satirical program Fratelli di Crozza.

The ball also (and above all) goes out of the hands of the new Rai top management, the general manager Robert Sergio and the manager Giampaolo Rossi who, after the agreement expected by the board on Monday, is immediately called upon to challenge the schedules. Rai could offer Fazio a downward agreement but it seems unlikely that the relationship will continue in that case.

But why do without a program and a conductor that audiences appreciate? For Repubblica, it would be the more “political” part of the Rai3 living room, in short, the one linked to current events, that would be annoying.

According to a report by Dagospia, Discovery wouldn’t be the only one interested in Fazio. Even Cairo would court him, even if there are no offers yet.

Che tempo che fa isn’t the only game the new managers have to face. While the fight against Report seems to have been put on hold and Rai is ready to agree to the new season of the program, there’s still a lot to change in the schedule. According to Ansa Konrad Augias, which airs three programs on the third channel, could see a downsizing, perhaps starting with Rebus, which airs on Sundays. And for Agorà, a change in management is suspected in both the winter and summer editions: at the helm are Manuela Moreno, Stefano Fumagalli and perhaps Annalisa Bruchi. For Marco Damilano, on the other hand, it’s more difficult to leave the club with one year left on his contract. However, possible novelties include a transfer, perhaps late in the evening, by the director of Tg1, Monica Maggioni, which could give way to the director of Adnkronos Gian Marco Chiocci. Francesco Giorgino, on the other hand, could also get advice from the study office. Difficult, again according to Ansa, the arrival of Nicola Porro in Rai: the company could hardly offer the journalist Mediaset engagements at the level of the competition.