Florida ramps up its political offensive to take control of

Florida could close some Disney World attractions

In the midst of a war with Disney, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis now has an ally of authority in the entertainment industry.

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Longtime DeSantis employee Glen Gilzean was recently appointed administrator of the tax district where the Florida amusement park is located, reports The Orlando Sentinel.

Mr. Gilzean was appointed by the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, which also unanimously approved a new enforcement program and the hiring of new inspectors. These will work for Glen Gilzean and potentially fine the Walt Disney World Resort.

Although the rules to be followed have not yet been announced, they must be strictly followed by the amusement park as Glen Gilzean’s agents can issue fines of up to $500 per day for any attraction that does not comply with the rules.

Mr Gilzean will also have the power to close down attractions that violate the code, which has yet to be clarified.

This new fight is part of a standoff that has been going on for several months between Governor DeSantis and Disney.

The Republican politician has stripped the multinational of special status in the Orlando area after Disney openly opposed a law that bans teachers from speaking to students about gender identity or sexual orientation before the fourth grade of elementary school.