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Free on bail? Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Khan before the Supreme Court

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan appeared in court today for a bail hearing after the country’s Supreme Court ruled his arrest on “invalid and illegal” corruption charges the day before. “We hope he will be released on bail,” said Khan’s lawyer, Faisal Hussain Chaudhry.

However, Chaudhry also said that there were more arrests overnight of members of Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party. This shows that the government “does not take resolving the matter seriously”.

Khan was taken to the Islamabad Supreme Court bail hearing in a high-security convoy. PTI lawyers gathered in front of the building. The area around the court was cordoned off and secured by hundreds of security forces.

Pakistan’s Supreme Court overturned Khan’s arrest yesterday. “The whole process must be traced,” Chief Justice Umar Ata Bandial told a Khan hearing in Islamabad.

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