Gaza 39Great Cleanup39 More than 1100 complaints received against Longueuil

Gaza 'Great Cleanup': More than 1,100 complaints received against Longueuil doctor who pleaded guilty

The renowned cardiologist at the Pierre Boucher Hospital, Éric Sabbah, who called for a “great cleansing” of the Gaza Strip last November, confessed his guilt before the Disciplinary Council of the Medical Association, which received more than 1,100 complaints against him from the public.

• Also read – A doctor at Pierre Boucher Hospital calls for a “major cleansing” of the Gaza Strip

• Also read – “Great cleanup” in the Gaza Strip: Pierre Boucher Hospital doctor apologizes

The doctor faced embarrassment after he openly wished for the death of Gaza residents on his Facebook page last November.

“It’s over for Gaza and Hamas. After the two-week evacuation period, it's time for a major cleaning. “It is impossible to distinguish the good from the bad,” wrote the specialist, who has been practicing for 28 years.

His publication was then quickly removed from social networks. As Le Journal reported, his comments sparked an outcry: 1,156 complaints against him were sent to the College of Physicians of Quebec between November 2 and November 29 alone.

He admits his guilt

In a hearing before the College of Physicians Disciplinary Committee on Thursday, Dr. Sabbah pleaded guilty to the offense brought against him, namely, having committed an act that undermined the honor and dignity of the medical profession.

Dr. Sabbah acknowledges that “the words were poorly chosen, the construction of the sentences was clumsy and that the text may have been confusing,” argued his lawyer Me Christine Kark.

“He will be extremely careful in his future releases,” she added.

Last November, the management of the Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) of Montérégie-Est (which includes the Pierre Boucher Hospital) strongly condemned his comments.

The CISSS did not respond to the Journal about whether any disciplinary action has since been taken against him.

Fine of $25,000

As a sanction, both parties recommended imposing a fine of $25,000. The disciplinary board has discussed everything and must make a decision within three months.

Sabbah had no disciplinary history.