1709386957 Get me out of here Season 2 the experience of

Get Me Out of Here! Season 2: Memorable Journey for Patricia Paquin, Clodine Desrochers, Philippe Laprise, and Audrey Roger

On average, almost 1.6 million viewers fell in love with the combative adventurers of the first season every Sunday evening. Adventure reality TV Get me out of here! is back with a second season that promises to be even more surprising, wet, wild and frightening than the first. The newspaper spoke to four of the nine camp participants: presenters Patricia Paquin and Clodine Desrochers, comedian Philippe Laprise and actress Audrey Roger.

Get me out of here!  Season 2: the experience of a lifetime for Patricia Paquin, Clodine Desrochers, Philippe Laprise and Audrey Roger

Photo agency QMI, JOEL LEMAY

Why did you say yes to this experience?

Patricia “I was called relatively early in the process and the first season shows hadn't started yet, so I didn't really know what I was getting myself into at first. And the more the show goes on, the more you say to yourself, “Okay, I said yes.”

Clodine: “I was approached in April to give me time to watch part of the first season and I thought to myself: What would I say if someone called me? When I got the call, it was a mix of excitement and the thought: Is it true that I'm going to say yes? I was afraid of myself. Ultimately, I felt it was a unique opportunity to experience something I will never experience again in my life and the thrill of letting go. I had to think about it for a few days. And since I haven't been on TV for a long time, I was even more surprised that someone contacted me.

Audrey: “I had time to watch a few episodes and the first thing that came to my mind was: Oh, lucky people, I'd really like to do that too. It's not what I would apply for, but it would fall into my lap. I had no choice but to say yes.”

Philip: “I wrote an email asking to participate, while at the same time they wrote to me asking them to participate. I felt like I had reached this point in my life: I had to face a challenge that I had never thought of. Everyone thinks I'm the princess who loves nice hotels, but I wanted to challenge myself in a game that isn't social, with no clans or enemies.

Biggest fear overcome? Your biggest fear?

Philip: “For me it’s the heights. I made it over the heights and I'm glad I did. But honestly, everything was scary. There is nothing pleasant about having a tarantula or a snake with you or a crab in your chest (laughs).”

Patricia: “I think most of us were not afraid of life in the camp. On the other hand, there were actually some who didn't want to eat animals, and some had very specific phobias, like Audrey.

Audrey: “Yes, I’m generally very trypophobic; everything about holes, warts, hole collections. As with the toads, this really isn't possible for me. But I’ve seen some up close.”

Patricia: “I don't like bugs that much, but I was kind of focused on the fact that they would be in a static position around me. I had visualized something, but I hadn't imagined that water around me would be so invasive. I wasn't prepared for that. (*Without saying too much, know that Patricia Paquin faces a particularly stressful challenge when she comes into play.)

Philip: “It impressed me to see that we have all gone through this funnel that allows us to face our fears and realize that we have more abilities than we think.”

Get me out of here!  Season 2: the experience of a lifetime for Patricia Paquin, Clodine Desrochers, Philippe Laprise and Audrey Roger

“Photo provided by TVA”

Do you forget the camera when you're so scared?

Patricia: “Yes! Once you have your foot in the adventure, in a minute, in a second, you experience a moment in which you can let go.”

Philip: “We also always have a way out and say: Get me out of here! It has been used a few times but rarely. I reached my limits a few times and had to say: Okay, I'm at my limit here. The team is also very respectful.”

Your most unforgettable moment?

Audrey: “It was a challenge for me with Phil and Alex [Perron] and Rosalie [Vaillancourt]. This is the moment we laughed the most throughout the entire adventure. We had a lot of fun, we clowned, it’s going to be a good show.”

Clodine: “There was a remarkable moment when I collapsed from fatigue. I was in such a mental state… When I watched season 1, I found it intense, but I understood. I understand the state of mind.”

Philip: “There were some nice highlights. We lived with nature, there were mornings when we woke up with howler monkeys overhead. They’re screaming so loud!”

Patricia: “Really! So when you fall asleep in the evening from exhaustion, it's worrying: the humidity, the noises, the mud, the mosquitoes, it's impressive. Also unpleasant, the camp was very dry. I was looking for places to sit.”

Have you thought about giving up along the way?

Audrey: “For me it’s every day. Every day I said to myself: What am I still doing here? I just want to go home! But my spirit was stronger, I couldn't give up. »

Clodine: “I think we've all thought about it. A day there is worth much more than a day. No matter how many days you spent in the jungle, when you come back it feels like weeks have passed. It’s really special.”

Patricia: “I remember saying to Alex, I could go out tonight and it wouldn't bother me, and Alex said to me, me too! (laughs) »

Get me out of here!  Season 2: the experience of a lifetime for Patricia Paquin, Clodine Desrochers, Philippe Laprise and Audrey Roger

“Photo provided by TVA”

Did you make any new friends at camp?

Patricia: “Rosalie, Dave and Audrey were a nice little trio.”

Audrey: “Yeah, we got along really well!”

The person who surprised you the most?

Philip: “Clodine surprised me a lot. With the show “Les saison de Clodine” she did business in a very gentle and entertaining way, but when I saw her there I said to myself: “Wow!”

Audrey: “Me, it’s Alex [Perron] which surprised me so much. He had balls!”

Clodine: “Yes, he was able to endure it! He was fascinated by size and never complained. He’s calm, he’s like Mr. Miyagi.”

The animals you saw there?

Philip: “We would get up in the morning and sometimes there would be tarantulas in our beds.”

Clodine: “Big cockroaches! All elimination challenges will present you with bugs, and there are some in the challenges too. You have no choice, there is always one. We also had a path full of red ants. There were also a few at night where we had to go to the bathroom and the ranger had to go with us.”

Philip: “At one point I was doing an interview in the jungle and heard a loud bang. I turned around and there was a long green snake that had fallen out of the tree right next to me. Then I realized they were the same color as the jungle!”

Your greatest pride?

Patricia: “Exceeded. I'm glad to have had this experience.

Clodine: “Totally. I'm glad I accepted that from the moment I got there I had no control over anything. To agree to say: This is it, I was in a hostile climate and in a hostile place Letting the place go is a victory in itself.”

Philip: “That made me want to travel with a backpack, like my girlfriend had wanted to for a long time. I realized I could do it. I’m no longer interested in all-inclusive.”

Get me out of here!  Season 2: the experience of a lifetime for Patricia Paquin, Clodine Desrochers, Philippe Laprise and Audrey Roger

“Photo provided by TVA”

What were you most bored by?

“The shower, clean pants, smelling good, a comfortable chair, a clean toilet, no wet underwear!” They say.

What reasons did each of you choose?

Audrey: “La Maison d'Haïti, for the integration and education of Haitian families in Quebec.”

Philip: “The Philippe Laprise Complètement ADHD Foundation for people with ADHD and their families.”

Clodine: “Just a stone's throw from success, a foundation based in the Lanaudière region that aims to help primary school children get school bags, school materials and tutoring.”

Patricia: “The Benny & Co Foundation, which provides relief to families living with diverse children.”

Get me out of here!  Season 2: the experience of a lifetime for Patricia Paquin, Clodine Desrochers, Philippe Laprise and Audrey Roger

“Photo provided by TVA”