Gf Vip 7 Daniele Dal Moro confides in Sarah Altobello

Gf Vip 7, Daniele Dal Moro thinks back to his ex: "It never goes away"

We knew Daniele Dal Moro during the 2019/20 edition of Men and women. His throne had lasted very little, being completely suspended and unable to deepen his knowledge with the suitors, he decided to abandon the program.

He hadn’t left a nice memory. sometimes judged superficially, Daniel he found redemption in the current issue of Gf Vip. Day after day, the public got to know a sensitive, profound, sometimes enigmatic boy with a whole world to discover.

Over the months, Vippone has become very affectionate Wilma Goich. Despite the age difference, Daniele managed to open up and talk to the singer.

In the last few days he has spoken to him a little more about himself and his state of mind Goich, who listened to him attentively, as a mother knows how to do:

Too much time to think here for my taste. Do you know what the beauty of chaos is and what we live here too? That’s fair and that’s the truth. Chaos is fair, when I’m in here, in the middle of all this chaos, chaos doesn’t look anyone in the face. It’s chaos, period. It doesn’t give you a chance to think, it’s fair and impartial with everyone. Chaos is confusion and I’m fine with confusion. I’m fine, either in confusion or in silence.

It’s not a problem now because I’ve learned over time. While I used to be sorry for being like that because it weighed on others, I’m not so sorry now because I live a life that seems completely different from the life I lead. Nobody knows what I have inside me, only I know it. And nobody even imagines that. And that makes me calm because I don’t show it to others.

Subsequently, as reported by ThePipol, Daniele Dal Moro He eclipsed everyone by admitting that he’s still in love with his ex (it’s not Martina Nasoni, ed.):

I still love my ex from four years ago. It takes me a long time to love, even a year and a half. It takes too long for me to say “I love you” to a girl. But then when I love, it never goes away. And that’s why I still love my ex, it’s a different love, ok, but I love her. When I reach the level of really opening up and loving, I don’t go back. But of course it’s difficult at the beginning, because I don’t immediately feel emotions. When I like you I get clingy, but then it all stops there. Before turning to love, a lot of time passes and it doesn’t always happen.

Then I’m not one to let go right away. It’s not that I give in to the physical aspect of liking a girl. You know, I haven’t kissed anyone in four years.
At least I can get excited now. Until 3/4 years ago I didn’t get emotional, I didn’t shed a tear and I was a block of ice, my ex knows it very well. Now, as much as I’m not feeling well, I can at least feel emotions and laugh. That’s a huge leap for me. I used to have to do anything to get a smile out of me.