Gigliola Cinquetti Thats when Loredana Berte disappeared with my son

Gigliola Cinquetti: “That’s when Loredana Bertè disappeared with my son”

Gigliola Cinquetti She returned to television to present Sometimes you dream, the autobiography in which he tells his artistic and human journey. TO Here…freewheelthe program that Francesca Fialdini hosts every Sunday afternoon on Rai1 immediately after Domenica In by Mara Venier, the youngest winner of all time Sanremo Festival (16 years, 1 month and 12 days) traced her long career in the world of music and revealed a strange background about her friend and colleague Loredana Bertè.

Gigliola Cinquetti at Da noi… revealing conversations about Loredana Bertè

Thanks for the work Gigliola Cinquetti he found out Loredana Bertè and her older sister Mia Martini: He built an excellent relationship with both of them, a deep friendship that lasted over time. However, there was no shortage of difficult moments, as Cinquetti once recalled in Da noi..a freewheeling: Bertè disappeared with Gigliola's sonwho was around 8-9 months old at the time.

“I lived near the Campo de' Fiori in Rome, Loredana had stopped by to say hello, She wanted to see the baby and had arrived unexpectedly. I was with the new babysitter, a very modest and reserved girl, and I told her that I have to teach her where to go with the stroller, but Loredana says: “I go with the stroller, with the babysitter.” I don't have time to explain to myself that she's gone, they disappear“, Gigliola confided to Francesca Fialdini.

Then the unexpected twist: “They didn’t come back and I put my hands in my hair. I was quite excited and my husband was also worried, although he told me: “No, you will see, he will come back”, because he is quiet but above all a great admirer of Loredana, woe to anyone who has touched her, while I had started telling him all sorts of things.”

Cinquetti added: “They come and I see the baby who hadn't slept since he was born and was snoring completely dirty made of ice cream and chocolate. The babysitter was transformed, she looked like a pop star: thigh-high boots, miniskirt up to the crotch, hoop earrings in her ears, all made up. And Loredana looks at me and says: 'You saw how I changed them, how happy they are!'”

“As she was leaving, I said to her on the stairs: 'Next time you'll walk around with me too,'” joked Gigliola Cinquetti, triggering huge laughter from the presenter. Francesca Fialdini and in the audience present in the studio. Regarding friendship with Mia Martini, Cinquetti was keen to clarify: “He taught me a lot.”

Gigliola Cinquetti's private life between husband and children

Since 1979 Gigliola Cinquetti she is married to the journalist Luciano Teodorifrom whom he got it two sons: Giovanni and Costantino. In order to devote herself to her family, the artist temporarily distanced herself from the scene in the 1980s. The eldest son Giovanni, born in 1980, is a historian, television author and journalist. The second son Costantino works freelance in the training sector. Gigliola Cinquetti's children took part Beijing Express In 2013.