Guterres fears unprecedented number of civilian deaths in Gaza •

Guterres fears unprecedented number of civilian deaths in Gaza • Workers

UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned today about the number of civilian casualties in the conflict in Gaza, a figure he said was unprecedented since he took office.

civiles muertos enPhoto: taken by PL

After arriving in this capital for the eighth summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac), the UN chief called for an international investigation after a hundred people died this Thursday in the enclave following an attack while waiting for the delivery of aid.

“I believe that a situation like this would require an effective independent investigation to find out how it was possible and who is responsible,” the High Representative said in statements to the press.

Guterres welcomed efforts to maintain peace in the Latin American region as we “experience an increase in wars and conflicts of all kinds” worldwide.

In this context, he considered it encouraging that peace continues to prevail in Latin America and the Caribbean and that mediation efforts prevail in conflicts such as the recent dispute between Guyana and Venezuela.

The United Nations chief thanked the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph Gonsalves, for his support, for his attention to any possibility of conflict, for his committed, active and effective mediation, and for his firm commitment to resolving the problems in Haiti.

The Secretary-General described the situation in this country as one of the greatest challenges in the region and called for effective political progress for the country, a security system that makes it possible to put an end to gangs and crime, and more international support.

At the same time, he warned of the economic and climate challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean following the impact of Covid-19 and the chaos caused by global warming and natural disasters.

“We now see how many economies across this continent are drowning in debt, and we see that an unfair, ineffective and outdated international financial architecture has proven incapable of supporting these countries in this time of need,” he said.

The UN chief maintained his calls for reform of financial institutions and more support for developing countries to deal with the climate crisis.

“It is time to reform our international financial institutions. “It is time for a new Bretton Woods movement in which developing countries can see an international financial system capable of tackling the enormous challenges they face,” he added.