1705868188 Hard blow for Gerry Scotti forced to give up his

Hard blow for Gerry Scotti, “forced” to give up his place: passed with flying colors Spetteguless

Gerry Scotti – Spetteguless.it

The host Gerry Scotti is very popular and his way of doing things is so appreciated by adults and children that he has earned the nickname “Uncle Gerry”. His son Edoardo also follows in his footsteps and even seems to have surpassed him.

Gerry Scotti

Gerry Scotti – Spetteguless.it

Scotti is very active professionally, but he also has a partner in his private life a marriage to Patrizia Grosso is behind himthe mother of his son. Edoardo was born in 1992Like his father, he is gaining professional experience in the world of entertainment and it seems that people love him even more.

Edoardo Scotti is popular and in a way makes life difficult for Gerry, a detail that he certainly did not expect, and for this reason he has to “cede” his place in the family to his talented son.

Golden time for Edoardo Scotti's career

Many people know the face of Gerry Scotti, an established television presenter who feels completely at home in this environment. Inserted into mostly ironic contexts, Gerry has also demonstrated his ability to become enthusiastic when the topic becomes stronger, or even to interact with children The talent show Io Canto Generation was a great success precisely because of the simplicity of its approach to the world of youth.

“Uncle Gerry,” as he has been renamed over the years due to his character friendly and playful, the audience likes it very much and it is always a win for Mediaset, but these hours there is talk of replacement, why?

He is kind and humble and has long been the symbol of the Biscione, but his debut was actually different Gerry Scotti began working as a radio announcer at small stations and then ended up at Radio Deejay, thanks to Claudio Cecchetto, who immediately noticed his talent.

Then, after her voice became famous, her career developed and she made her way to the big screen. In a short time, he became the king of entertainment and thereby established himself as a television icon successful quiz game. Precisely the role of the judge of Tu Sì que vales and as a host on the talent show Io Canto Generation, back by popular demand after years of hiatus.

Gerry is the most popular on social networks, where he was even the most “memeed” in 2023. However, there is one person who gives him merciless competition, and that is a boy who is very close to him. It's about the son Edoardo Scottiwho many people know, even though he rarely appears on television.

Gerry Scotti and his son Edoardo

Gerry Scotti and his son Edoardo – Spetteguless.it

However, Edward works behind the scenes at Mediaset, Rai and Sky, although his dream has nothing to do with a television career. In fact, Scotti is the firstborn He dreams of becoming a Hollywood director. He is not particularly keen on being in the spotlight; rather, he has chosen a different path than his father, working behind the scenes of famous channels and in reality he also helped create some of Gerry's programs.

He currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife and children, but is now working He is studying to pursue his passion and turn it into a career.