1693519226 Horoscope for September 2023 the forecasts for the month for

Horoscope for September 2023, the forecasts for the month for all signs: Libra and Aquarius find security

The horoscope for September 2023 has the peculiarity that many planets are moving retrograde at the same time. This means that anything that involves looking in, listening and welcoming has an advantage. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are the luckiest signs next month.

Horoscope for September 2023 the forecasts for the month for

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The horoscope for the month of September 2023 immediately presents itself with a special feature: there will be many, almost all, planets that are moving retrograde. When we have many retrograde planets in a sky at the same time, as in the September 2023 horoscope, it means that all activities of thinking, introspection, study and listening have an advantage over those of action.

For this reason i Water stains (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) and earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) who are better at introspection will be the lucky signs.

The full moon in the zodiac sign Pisces is just around the corner on August 31, 2023: intense emotions and lots of dreams, even with your eyes open

In the horoscope for the month of September 2023 mercury In the sign of Virgo it remains retrograde until September 15th and from this position it will make thinking and working easier and more natural, especially in earth signs. Venus Still spend the entire month of September in the sign of Leo and it will make the fire signs more gentle, patient and gentle. Instead, air signs will enjoy the energy of Marswhich can be found in the sign of Libra throughout the month of September.


For you, the zodiac sign dominated by Mars, the planet of strength and energy, Mars, in contrast, is really a pain in the ass. You are stubborn and, most importantly, dissatisfied with everything that is happening around you. Try to stay calm and use all the love you’ve accumulated over the summer. In fact, I would say that it’s not yet time to say goodbye to the sweet and sensitive part of you that you’ve been flaunting for the past few months. When you feel like it’s time to rest, definitely cancel all commitments and run to the sofa.
poll: 6 ½


With Jupiter in your sign, Saturn in your favor, and Mercury in your favor, I’d say you’ll be one of the first to show up at the office this September with a list of ideas and projects created over the summer. If you’re usually slow to recharge and feel the stress of not returning until mid-October, I’d say this time you might surprise us with a keen desire to join right away. The talks will certainly not be long in coming.
poll: 8th


It is really true that this summer of 2023 has not given you the usual satisfaction! You, the king of summer flings and the ease with which the hottest weeks of vacation are often handled, September is full of paranoia and confusion. Fortunately, things are improving a little thanks to Mars’ support, and even if you remain undecided on many of the existential questions you’re starting to ask because of Saturn’s adversary, at least you’ll do it in style. Venus and Mars together make you very, very sexy.
poll: 8th


Having Mars as the only unlucky planet in this September horoscope against you, among other things, after a beautiful summer, will be almost child’s play. Your wonderful ability to count to 100,000 and back before you lose your temper is something you need to put into action this month. If Jupiter and Saturn want you to be extremely active and concrete, much less indecisive than usual, Mars could occasionally make you act spontaneously or lose all desire to get involved. In both cases, before any madness, remember that your beauty is sweet.
poll: 6 ½


Rest assured, dear Leo, because Venus, the planet of love, is also in your zodiac sign in this September horoscope. It really seems like he gets along well with you because you are by nature the zodiac sign associated with luxury, pampering and the most extreme pleasures. In fact, with Mars also favored, your ability to enjoy life will be at its highest level ever. Of course, Jupiter is still against you and your bank account might have something to say about that.
poll: 8th


Your beloved thought planet Mercury remains in your zodiac sign and therefore you feel strong and able to tackle any problem that might arise from within or without with great clarity and practical sense. Therefore, in this month of September, not even Saturn will be able to cause you any problems, except at most a little physical fatigue. The great thing is that during these weeks you will still feel a strong need to make yourself useful to others, and you will do that very well.
poll: 8 ½


You are the zodiac sign that will host Mars, the planet of sex appeal, throughout the month of September. This means that your horoscope for these weeks will be full of sex, passion, courage, energy and drive. Better when it comes to going without clothes. Mars will also silence some of your famous indecision and we will see you take clear and secure positions without hesitation. Venus in your favor will make all this not only irresistible but also sweet. But what more could you want?


The planets that continue to be in your favor in this horoscope for the month of September are planets that should keep you on the right path, lucid and ready to achieve what you want, especially in the professional field. Mercury and Saturn are in your favor, and for this reason your great ability to first understand and then develop perfect strategies of conquest will be an advantage. On the other hand, anything related to pleasure and sweetness is almost never taken into account. Even in the race for success, don’t forget to have at least some time for yourself.
poll: 6


This year 2023, you have begun to taste the famous Saturn, which calls on you to keep a clear head and coherence and clarify what is going wrong. Her innate optimism certainly had no fear! Until Mercury got in the way and confused your ideas about what you took for granted were your values ​​and principles. Even in this month of September, you certainly cannot rely on your intellectual activity looking for suggestions and guides to follow. On the other hand, Venus and Mars, both in favor, will make you take positions with your heart rather than your head. Saturn disagrees, but the astrologer does.


Here we are in the month of September, which is known to be the month of real beginnings, especially when it comes to work activities. In your case, you will show your full Capricorn essence: you will be absolutely adamant when it comes to duties and you will not hesitate to give orders to everyone around you. You don’t care about being nice and polite, but you definitely care about getting your results before the day you set in your schedule. If Mars is against you, woe betide anyone who dares to get in your way!
poll: 6


The last few months have not been easy at all! Luckily, you have a good character and even when Jupiter and Venus together do their best to make you feel alone and unloved, you still manage to get by. Now in September, when it is true that Venus and Jupiter do not move, Mars, on the other hand, comes to your hand. You will still prefer the complete independence of minding your own business, but you will exude a charm and charisma that will make it difficult for you to keep everyone away as much as you would like.


The month of August ended with the full moon in your zodiac sign and you, who have done everything to be serious, determined and clear-headed in the last few months, may now have to deal with the very strong emotions that are acting on you targets you again. They often mess up projects. Mercury in opposition and beyond retrograde until September 15 certainly does not help to take clear and absolutely unassailable positions. Get ready for a few more days of sentimental tidal wave.
poll: 5