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Hostage video: Israel worried about the lives of those kidnapped news

Islamic Hamas again released horrific video footage of Israeli hostages this evening. The video shows, among other things, a young woman talking about the alleged deaths of two men kidnapped in Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip. Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari later said there was great concern for the lives of the two male hostages.

He rejected Hamas' claim that they were killed by the Israeli side. At the end of the Hamas video, a bloodied male corpse can be seen.

The fate of the young woman in the video has touched many people since October 7th. She was kidnapped by terrorists on a motorcycle and screamed for help. His Chinese mother suffers from terminal cancer. The woman repeatedly asked to see her daughter again before her death.

Videos about Israel's psychological terror

These types of Hamas videos are classified by Israel as psychological terror against family members. The organization had already published a video over the weekend with a kind of “guessing game” and the question of which of the hostages was still alive and which was not.

More than three months after the October 7 massacre, in which terrorists from Hamas and other Palestinian organizations killed more than 1,200 people and kidnapped another 250 in the Gaza Strip, 136 people remain detained in the coastal strip. Israel estimates that about two dozen of them are no longer alive. At least three hostages were accidentally killed by the Israeli army.