How can we encourage young people to watch Quebec television

How can we encourage young people to watch Quebec television series?

The world of cinema and television has evolved greatly with the introduction of major digital platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+, but Quebec Productions ©coises continues to stand out with several television series that are among the most popular lists in Canada.

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Although five of the ten most-watched television series in the country come from Quebec, the general director of the Association of Directors of the Quebec (ARRQ), Mylène Cyr, reiterates that the situation remains “difficult” for people in the community.

“We won’t hide it. “Legal changes are taking place, but it is happening very slowly,” he said in an interview on the set of the show À vousaffaires on Thursday.

“Incomes are falling and that has an impact on our production,” she continues. We need to stand out at an international level, so we need to position ourselves in an international landscape where people have access to significant volume.”

Ms. Cyr stressed that Quebec's television production environment is “important” in transmitting and maintaining the province's culture.

“It’s really a social phenomenon that defines us,” she states.

However, she is sad that Quebec productions are “losing ground, especially among young audiences.”

To ensure that next generations of Quebecers can continue to watch the shows produced here, the director of the ARRQ suggests “other means.”

First of all, Ms Cyr suggests a path that is more legislative.

“We want to make sure that the platforms offer more productions that come from here and that we can discover them.”

Another option would be to integrate elements of Quebec's television culture into education to encourage young people to listen to more content produced in Quebec.

A third solution would be to use a new technology, namely virtual sets.

“Of course it doesn't solve all problems, but let's assume that it is a technology that could help improve quality. When it comes to creativity, it’s pretty extraordinary what we can do,” explains Ms. Cyr.

This method could help produce “anything that is science fiction, imaginary settings or even something that is more difficult to photograph, like something that could be dangerous,” he specifies. -She.

***Watch the full interview with Mylène Cyr in the video above***