Poll 53 of Argentine population totally reject Milei government

Total setback: the Argentine Congress will close its sessions without even agreeing to a law for Milei

The farright president sent 14 projects that were rejected in parliament due to lack of support or later withdrawn

Javier Milei

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RT The Argentine Congress will end its extraordinary session this Thursday without having yet approved any of the 14 draft laws presented by President Javier Milei, including the controversial “bus law”. International treaties, the Single Paper Bill and the Merit Act were also rejected.

The state's megareform project “Law of the Foundations and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines”, the official name of the “Bus Law”, failed in the Chamber of Deputies on February 7 after it did not receive sufficient support for important articles, for example in the privatization of public companies, the reform of the debt relief law or the increase in penalties against protest participants.

Local legislation stipulates that the initiative must be rediscussed from the outset in the General Legislation, Constitutional Affairs and Budget and Finance committees before being returned to the House of Commons, where, if approved, it will go for discussion and final approval is forwarded to the Senate.

The rejection of the ambitious project, which in its original form involved the amendment of more than 600 articles of various existing laws, provoked Mileis' anger, who called the parliamentarians who opposed his proposal “delinquents”, “beasts” and “traitors”. designated. blamed the coalition governors for the outcome and ordered the project not to be discussed again in Congress.


In turn, presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni warned that the goals proposed by the Milleist government would be achieved regardless of the position of congressmen and even the existence of a law, citing the use of other constitutional mechanisms to advance the proposal. like the popular referendum.

PREVIOUS CASES Although the collapse of the “bus law” attracted most media attention, in view of its eventual passage, the government was forced to make concessions to likeminded lawmakers belonging to various political groups, including the PRO (former President Mauricio Macri). ), the Radical Civic Union (UCR) and sectors of nonKirchnerist Peronism.

This is the case of the tax reform, which was withdrawn by the presidency in midJanuary in order to achieve maximum consensus among deputies, according to statements made at the time by the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo.

To obtain approval, which was not forthcoming, officials also had to change or remove articles dealing with sensitive issues such as pensions and electoral reform, although they stubbornly stuck to restricting the rights of public servants and criminalizing social protests.

Although the extraordinary deadline expired on January 31, the executive also approved an extension until February 15 and, in addition to changing the official name of the “Bus” project, introduced changes to the Criminal Code to avoid legal conflicts and proposed the entry of to allow foreign troops into the country and proposed changes to the Money Laundering Prevention Act.

MILEI AGAINST THE GOVERNOR The extraordinary parliamentary debate also exposed the dispute between the Argentine federalist model and the cuts proposed by the Casa Rosada, which partly explains why the president attributed the megalaw's defeat to the provincial governments that are part of the alliance that propelled him to the presidency.

According to local media reports, the dispute arose over the income tax law, which implies the repeal of the income law, which was passed with Milei's positive vote while former Peronist presidential candidate Sergio Massa was at the helm of the Ministry of Economy.

In order to instill confidence in the passage of the “bus law”, officials again withdrew this proposal, but the controversy did not subside as the executive announced further cuts for the provinces in return, which led to new conflicts.

After the fall of the law on bases and departure points for the freedom of Argentines, Milei sharply attacked the governors, accusing them of being ready to “do the impossible to maintain their privileges,” citing the cuts in public funding for the public transport training.

Responding to the attacks, a large group of deputy governors called on the ruler in a public letter to stop “holding Argentines hostage in his political struggles” and “attacking their quality of life, as he has done.”

The Senate ends empty Things also didn't go well for Milei in the Senate, chaired by Vice President Victoria Villarruel. The legislative agenda included individual paper voting which entails changes to the country's ballot paper and electoral system , the procedures for appointing prosecutors and judges, and several international agreements, but although the issues were discussed by the respective commissions, the plenary session of the Senate, were not in a position to discuss it.

The newspaper La Nación reports that in this case Villarruel is facing numerous pressures to support the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU), which comes not only from the ranks of Kirchnerist Peronism, but also from the socalled “dialogue opposition”, led by the UCR.

According to this media outlet, nomination proceedings will go to senators on March 1, when the regular session begins.

Of all the projects, the uniform paper ballot is the one most likely to become law, since it already has the approval of MPs, but the discussion in the relevant committee has not yet progressed well and changes are planned to allow approval with an absolute majority ( at least 37 votes).

Although the Foreign Relations Commission supported the agreements with Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and China, it made approval of the planned agreements with Japan and Luxembourg dependent on the explanations that German Chancellor Diana Mondino would provide in due course.