I hid it Former BBB Juliette admits she wasnt alone

“I hid it”; Former BBB Juliette admits she wasn’t alone after… in her first SBT appearance


In a conversation with presenter Eliana, she revealed more details about her fame and her private life.

By Ysac Freitas

02/10/2022 18:39 BRT

02/10/2022 18:39 BRT

Reproduction/Instagram ElianaReproduction/Instagram ElianaYsac Freitas

Artist Juliette Freire shared some details about her private life in a relaxed chat with presenter Eliana from SBT. This Sunday (02) the attraction welcomed the singer, who was hiding absolutely nothing about her life. She even gave more specific details about her love life, which has been in the news since she emerged as the BBB 21 champion.

Eliana was direct in one of the excerpts when she asked that she still hasn’t seen the brunette with anyone next to her. “I haven’t seen you with anyone.” Juliette then thought twice and answered the question asked by many of the muse’s fans. “There was no such event, but I caught people. I took it secretly,” he said.

Even in secret, she confessed that nowadays it is very difficult to have anything closer than a simple affair. “Either they don’t arrive or they withdraw, it’s a lot harder to paint now than it used to be. I used to take General. Now it’s one here, one there. Because first of all, men are a little afraid to come across when we attract too much attention, they are a little insecure. Or if they are, it takes work, you have to be very sure about taking on the BO because the BO is big,” he admitted.

Today Juliette is concentrating on her plans as a singer. Since leaving the reality show, the artist has progressed in the musical field, delighting audiences who enjoy her work. With a lot of fame, today she has more than 30 million followers and is the most followed contestant in the entire history of the country’s most watched house.