quotI speak nowquotthe famous alleged lover of Ilary Blasi comes

"I speak now"the famous alleged lover of Ilary Blasi, comes out: the press release

He was questioned as Ilary Blasi’s lover and today he breaks the silence with a press release.

Ilary Blasi loverIlary Blasi alleged lover – Nanopress.it

This is Cristiano Iovino, Ilary Blasi’s alleged lover, who made his statement public in a press release.

separation and betrayal

At least since Ilary Blasi and Francesco Totti published their separate press release on their separation, the ex-couple has conquered the pages of the Italian gossip column. A story they will be telling a lot more about throughout the fall.

Everyone learned about the dynamic that led to the two’s split. In particular, it would have been Francesco Totti who would have betrayed Ilary Blasi with Noemi back in October 2021, as the weekly Chi noted several times.

Ilary BlasiIlary Blasi – nanopress.it

So much so that he would have been spotted by his daughter Isabel, the youngest, who then spied on his mother Ilary, who in turn decided to hire a private detective.

But today, especially from Francesco Totti, other details emerge. Ilary Blasi would also have betrayed him and for that he would have given many e many messages that would have saved.

Cristiano Iovino breaks the silence

Ilary Blasi’s personal trainer, who is rumored to be responsible for betraying her husband, has decided to break the silence. Actually, Cristiano Iovino wanted with an official press release.

The 36-year-old is a personal trainer and works between Rome and Milan and mainly visits the chicest gyms. He was also targeted by the paparazzi for another alleged flirtation: the one with Giulia De Lellis, which has never been confirmed or denied.

Cristiano IovinoCristiano Iovino – nanopress.it

The man said that the presenter is just a friend of his, but has not at all confirmed all the stories attributed to him. The press release states that Iovino:

“He urges all information operators not to give credence to those who, through false and instrumental reconstructions, characterize him as the protagonist of events with which he has nothing to do”.

In fact, with Ilary Blasi she would also have in common the agent or Graziella Lopedota who runs the agency founded by her husband Franco Tuzio (who died in 2017) and deals with the management of many famous people. Among these, the names of Michelle Hunziker and her daughter Katia Follesa and many others stand out.