In Mar do Sertao Candoca sets out to reveal Labibes

In Mar do Sertão, Candoca sets out to reveal Labibe’s secret about Maruan

The doctor even caught the two “dancing” after a DR, and the rich man had to open the game with his ex. Concerned about Labibe, Candoca can’t wait to tell her friend the truth, leaving the prince in the most dire spot:

Concerned about Labibe, Candoca can’t wait to tell her friend the truth, leaving the prince in the biggest tight skirt — Photo: Globo

Concerned about Labibe, Candoca can’t wait to tell her friend the truth, leaving the prince in a big bind — Photo: Globo

“I beg you. I didn’t know what true love was until fate brought me together with Labibe, you know?”

🎧 Check out the week of soap operas and the last one in the Pantanal:

Candoca gets serious and says he has to open up to the young woman: “Maybe you’ll get together after all.” But deep down, the prince is unsure that Labibe doesn’t feel the way he does.

“She won’t forgive me, Doc.”

3 of 3 Candoca gets honest and says he needs to open up to the young woman — Photo: Globo

Candoca gets honest and says he needs to open up to the young woman — Photo: Globo

Don’t miss the next chapters of your 6 o’clock soap opera!

03 Oct


Pajeú does not accept Tertulinho’s proposal. Timbó threatens Tomás and Rosinha takes her father away. Xaviera leaves Vanclei. Candoca surprises José while dancing with Maruan. Sávio catches the prince looking at Labibe’s window. José reveals the truth about Maruan to Candoca, who decides to tell Labibe. Rosinha talks to Tereza about Tomás. Cira films Candoca talking to Maruan and decides to reveal the fact in her vlog. Candoca sees Tertulinho leaving Vespertino’s house and is concerned. Maruan argues with Deodora. Lorena shows Candoca Cira’s headline.

Check out the full recap of the day and week!


Summary of the Sea Week of Sertão from October 3rd to 8th

Summary of the Sea Week of Sertão from October 3rd to 8th