In New York Donald Trump39s overly inflated business was fined

In New York, Donald Trump's overly inflated business was fined $354 million, his empire weakened


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The former President of the United States and his sons were sentenced on Friday, February 16, to a heavy fine, coupled with a temporary ban from running the family business, and thus placed under judicial supervision.

Despite a devastating, headlong rush to the November presidential election, with nothing to date to rule out the possibility that Donald Trump could still win it on a regular basis, today we see the noose of justice slowly closing and the reckoning taking shape month by month , from one devastating court decision to the next. The ex-president, who, like two of his sons, was found responsible for financial and accounting fraud, was sentenced on Friday February 16 to a spectacular fine of 354 million dollars (328.4 million euros), to which colossal interest was added and a three-year ban from doing business in New York State. This provision prohibits him from applying for bank loans or running his business, which is subject to the authority of a bailiff when carrying out the smallest transactions. For anyone who aspires to run nothing less than the world's number one power – and said in his first election campaign that he wanted to do it the way he's run his business – this is the least of the messes. His sons Donald Jr. and Eric received a similar two-year ban and a $4 million fine each.

This judgment,