1708070065 Iva Zanicchi the diagnosis of the tumor is frightening It

Iva Zanicchi, the diagnosis of the tumor is frightening: “It is inoperable… only two months to live.”

Iva Zanicchi, the discovery of the tumor is shocking. The doctors' diagnosis is terrible: “It is inoperable… only 2 months left”

She has been called the “Senator of Italian Music”, a woman who was able to make her own fundamental contribution to the national discography. Iva Zanicchi, born in 1940, made her debut on the music scene at the age of 20.

In a short time, the singer from Romagna managed to make herself known to a wide audience and in 1965 she took part in the Sanremo Festival with the song “Your Most Beautiful Years”. Two years later he returned to the Ariston and won the competition with “Don't think about me”.

In 1969 he triumphed again at the event with “Gypsies“, one of Iva Zanicchi's most famous songs, which is still a masterpiece of Italian music today. The singer's last participation in the music event dates back to 2022 with “I want to love you”.

Today, Iva Zanicchi has had a 60-year career and has earned one international success. She is particularly popular in Latin America for her songs in Spanish. Over the years she also became a well-known face on Italian television as a commentator and special guest.

The private life of Iva Zanicchi

In several interviews, Iva Zanicchi spoke about her childhood and the rigidity of her parents. She grew up in a very strict family and for this reason she found her first boyfriend at the age of 26. Start a relationship with Tonino Ansaldithe artistic director of her record company, with whom she had her first child in 1967. The two married, but the marriage lasted due to Treason was never confirmed.

However, Iva is Zanicchi's first great love Fausto Pinna. They have been a steady couple for over 30 years, although they never married. “Fausto is a happy person. It should never be boring as a couple, and Fausto and I have a lot of fun. I've never cheated on him, but I definitely look up to other men. He tried to cheat on me once, but I caught him straight away in Sardinia,” Iva said.

Iva Zanicchi Iva Zanicchi and Fausto Pinna – Instagram credit “tele.sette” – Trendsediviaggio.it

Iva Zanicchi, the tumor diagnosis: “Still months to live, but she made it”

“Unfortunately he recently fractured a vertebra and was re-admitted to hospital and the tests he did found that out.” The tumor is under attack again», said Iva Zanicchi to the weekly newspaper DiPiù. The diagnosis concerns her partner Fausto Pinna, who received this terrible answer from doctors for the first time in 2021: “They only gave him two months because it seemed like nothing more could be done.

The Romagna singer confessed that this time the doctors were categorical, saying: “The doctors are pessimistic because of the tumor she is fighting.” Pippi is unable to function. Nevertheless, I am sure that he will make it this time too, because he is someone who does not give up, he is a Sardinian with very strong fibers: Together We will fight and win Despite it. I will not give an inch and not even Fausto has any intention of giving in to the disease, the hospital, the fate.”

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