1666741321 Katy Perry lowered one of her eyelids causing concern among

Katy Perry lowered one of her eyelids, causing concern among her fans

The American artist lost control of one of her eyelids during a show in Las Vegas

Katy Perry lowered one of her eyelids, causing concern and fear among her fans He performed at his last show in Las Vegas. Amid the applause, the singer was unable to control her right eyelid after one of her hits. The media reported from facial paralysis to stroke. What happened to the artist?

Perry couldn’t open his eyelid for a few seconds despite his best efforts. He fixed it by dabbing at the corner of his eye.

Although the cause has not yet been clarified, some doctors were not so extreme as to speak of a stroke. They think it could be blepharospasm or muscle contractions caused by stress.

Under the applause after one of her hits, the singer couldn't control her right eyelid.Under the applause after one of her hits, the singer couldn’t control her right eyelid.

could even be one Hemifacial spasm, a nervous system disorder in which the muscles on one side of the face move involuntarily. The cause is usually a blood vessel touching a facial nerve and can be caused by facial nerve injury or worse, a tumor.

Some of her fans recalled that in 2016, the artist realized she was suffering from a lazy eye, or “wonk eye.” However, this does not seem to be the cause of eyelid twitching either.

That year, the artist commented that her fans created a parallel account about her eye: “I have a crooked eye too and used to worry about it. A group of fans even created a fandom of my Wonk-Eye called Katy’s Wonk-Eye,” Perry said.

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