Latest news on the war in Gaza the impact on

Latest news on the war in Gaza, the impact on Yemen and the Red Sea and reactions

Netanyahu presents post-war plan and Palestinian Authority rejects it

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has unveiled his plan for “the day after” the war in Gaza, the main points of which are the demilitarization of the Gaza Strip, its security depending on Israel and where UNRWA has no place. The plan was immediately rejected by the Palestinian Authority (PNA), which claims it only aims to “maintain Israeli occupation.” In a document submitted to the War Cabinet for approval on Thursday evening and released today by the Prime Minister's Office, Netanyahu recalled the short-term goals: to destroy the military capabilities and government infrastructure of both Hamas and Islamic Jihad, to free the hostages and to prevent Gaza from becoming a threat again. In the medium term, the president announced a strip in which Israel maintains freedom of military operations “without time limit,” with a security area on the watershed and Israeli control of the Gaza-Egypt border to prevent the re-emergence of “terrorist elements” in the Gaza Strip .” “The 'South Fence' will be operated, where possible, in cooperation with Egypt and with support from the United States, and will be based on measures to prevent smuggling from Egypt both underground and by air, including the Rafah border crossing.” , Document details.