Learn the zodiac signs of the 22 BBB 23 contestants

Learn the zodiac signs of the 22 BBB 23 contestants and what are the trends for the game


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The new season of Big Brother Brasil starts next Monday (16th). But while the game does not start, will we check the signs of the participants and get acquainted with the potential “fire in the playground” and the “plant” of the problem?


Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Fire sign, Aries is known for leadership and quick temper. Amanda, Ricardo and Marília are ruled by Aries, so we can expect a lot of competitiveness and determination in the tests, especially in those of the Resistance, since Aries does not accept being in second place.

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MaríliaAmandaRicardo from BBB 23 (Reproduction: Globo)


Ruled by the earth element, Taurus is a fixed sign. That means planning, strategy and organization will be keywords for the trio Larissa, Fred and Marvvila. On the other hand, stubbornness can be a problem for brothers. Because if Taurus puts an idea in his head, he will finish it and in the game that can be a big challenge. After all, Taurus needs time and patience to part with their ideas.

Larissa Fred Marvvila by BBB 23 (Replica: Globo)


The only twin in the house is Popcorn Tina. Ruled by the element of Air, Gemini is a party sign, talkative and quick thinking. This way we can expect a player who won’t leave the parties until sunrise, and when it’s over she will be ready to face the trials with a lot of strategy and logical thinking.

Tina by BBB 23 (Replica: Globo)


As a water sign, Cancer brings emotions to the surface and can be a bit manipulative. As such, Cancers Paula and Domitilla Barros tend to befriend all groups and will use information to their advantage. However, if they are negatively surprised, they can explode and swap their feet for hands.

Paula and Domitilla from BBB 23 (Reproduction: Globo)


Ah the scales!!! Flirtatious, alert, and friendly, Libra is an air sign that unites all groups in a single party. As such, we can expect a lot of buzz and loyalty from Gabriel Santana and Gabriel. In addition, strategic thinking that appreciates the smallest details can help them make important decisions, such as on voting night where analyzing pros and cons is fundamental.

Gabriel Santana and Gabriel doing BBB 23 (Reproduction: Globo)


As a water sign, Scorpio is loyal to their friends but can become extremely vindictive when they feel betrayed. In this sense, MC Guimê and Sarah will form strong bonds with their peers, which, however, with strategy, they can easily hand over to their opponents at the slightest sign of betrayal. After all, the saying “revenge is a dish best served cold” is “absolutely true” for Scorpio.

MC Guime and Sarah from BBB 23 (Reproduction: Globo)


The fire sign Sagittarius is known for generosity and freedom. No wonder Aline Wirley maintains an open relationship with her husband, the actor Igor Rickli. For the game, Aline and Bruno tend to watch their peers a lot before committing to an alliance, but when this happens it will take until the end regardless of the setting. Because for the Sagittarius, what counts is the initial bond.

Aline Wirley and Bruno from BBB 23 (Reproduction: Globo)


Leadership, loyalty and strategy define the Capricorn sign. Key Alves is the only Capricorn from Brazil’s most viewed house. Therefore, she will be the main actor of the initiatives, for example cooking for the group or being responsible for the shopping list. Capricorn doesn’t wait, Capricorn does, so the player is expected to be introduced.

Key Alves by BBB 23 (Replica: Globo)


Air sign Aquarius is free, independent and very intelligent. In this sense, during the game, Gustavo is the one who, when not a leader, is the leader’s advisor. In addition, due to collective thinking, for example, in the absence of organization of tasks, the brother can take the lead and divide them to ensure that everyone has a good relationship.

Gustavo do BBB 23 (Reproduction: Globo)


Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac. The water sign Pisces is dreamy, universalistic and strategic. That said, Fred Nicácio, Cezar, Bruna Griphão, Cara de Sapato and Cristian tend to be friends with all groups and focus on house unity and this will be their biggest strategy. After all, who can resist a soft and sweet speech to conquer things, right?

Fred Nicácio Cezar Bruna Griphao Cara de Sapato and Cristian by BBB 23 (Reproduction: Globo)

Keep up with the full coverage of BBB 23 with TV Observatory!


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