Like a defender of Europe Zelenskyy thanks Scholz at the

“Like a defender of Europe”: Zelenskyy thanks Scholz at the Charlemagne Prize ceremony in Aachen Tagesspiegel

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people gathered in Aachen on Sunday with the Charlemagne Prize for services rendered to the unity of Europe honored.

In the justification was Zelenskyy’s role in repelling the Russian war of aggression emphasized: He is not only the president of his people and the supreme commander of the Ukrainian army. He is “also the motivator, communicator, engine and key between Ukraine and the great phalanx of fans”.

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In his acceptance speech, the Ukrainian President presented his award with the Charlemagne Prize referred to as a “great honor”.. He represents Ukrainians who fight every day for their freedom and the values ​​of Europe, Zelenskyy said. “Each one of them deserves to be here.”

When you saw the tipping point, you started acting like a defender of Europe should act.

Zelenskyy addressed Chancellor Scholz

Zelenskyy also praised Chancellor Olaf Scholz for his turnaround in security policy following the Russian attack on Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj receives the Charlemagne Prize for services to European unity from Aachen Mayor Sibylle Keupen. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy receives the Charlemagne Prize for services to European unity from Aachen Mayor Sibylle Keupen. © image alliance/dpa/dpa-Pool

“When you saw the tipping point, you started to act how a defender of Europe should act‘ he said in his acceptance speech. “Europe will always be grateful to you and this government of Germany.”

Specifically, Zelenskyy Scholz thanked for the arms deliveries of the last few months. The Iris-T air defense system, for example, has already saved thousands of lives. Zelenskyy also specifically named the Leopard and Marder tanks.

“It is also important that Germany not only militarily, but with its leadership in the economic, humanitarian and diplomatic fields.A few days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Scholz decided to supply Ukraine with weapons.

Zelenskyi also emphasized in his speech that Ukraine wants nothing but peace – this can only be achieved in the current conflict with a victory.

To leave a legacy of peace, we must accompany them until the day when we can say that we will end this war with our common victory.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the award ceremony

The War in Ukraine also decide the fate of Europe, because Russia wants to undo the history of European unification. Russia is “capable of any cruelty and meanness.”

After the award ceremony, Zelenskyy signed the “Golden Book” and wrote the words “Together we will win” (Together we will win).

Scholz performed the eulogy for Zelenskyy

Chancellor Olaf Scholz presented the Charlemagne Prize to the Ukrainian president and his people Prelude to continue growing together in Europe designated. In his eulogy on Sunday in Aachen, the SPD politician also mentioned the Western Balkan states, Moldova “and in the long term also Georgia”, as well as Ukraine.

“If (Kremlin chief) Vladimir Putin thought he could use force to divert the Ukrainian nation from its path to Europe, then with all his tanks, drones and rocket launchers he did. does nothing but the oppositeScholz said.

At the head of the entire Ukrainian people, you defend the values ​​that Europe stands for.

Scholz in his praise of Zelenskyy

And addressing Selenskyi, Scholz said: “The will to freedom and the power to resist in dark times give hope and inspiration far beyond Ukraine. At the head of the entire Ukrainian people, you stand for the values ​​that Europe stands for.”

Morawiecki: Zelenskyy defends Europe’s values

At the award ceremony, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki recognized Zelenskyy as a defender of European values. he be “a great European leader”a “hero” and outstanding statesman of the 21st century, according to Morawiecki.

“President Zelenskyy is a role model for all politicians.Russia’s “barbarian attacks” are the antithesis of a free Europe, defended by Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz attend the presentation of the Charlemagne Prize in the city hall's coronation hall. Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz attend the presentation of the Charlemagne Prize in the city hall’s coronation hall. © image alliance/dpa/Pool AFP

In his speech, Morawiecki quoted French Chancellor and pioneer of European unification, Robert Schuman, who had said that A united Europe must, in principle, be open to all democratic European countries.

Zelenskyy received a standing ovation in Aachen

When Zelenskyy entered the medieval coronation hall of Aachen City Hall in the afternoon, he was greeted by the guests greeted with a standing ovation. The ceremony for awarding the Charlemagne Prize to the Ukrainian president began on Sunday with an hour delay.

A hero of Europe and a great freedom fighter – welcome to the NRW,” NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) wrote on Twitter on Sunday. Wüst and Scholz received the Ukrainian president in the afternoon for the Charlemagne Prize ceremony in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier congratulated Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on receiving the Charlemagne Prize. “They give hope and are Inspiration far beyond Ukraine“, declared the German head of state on Sunday.

Dr Jürgen Linden and Mayor Sibylle Keupen welcome Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyi to the Charlemagne Prize ceremony in Aachen. Dr Jürgen Linden and Mayor Sibylle Keupen welcome Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyi to the Charlemagne Prize ceremony in Aachen. © IMAGO/Kirchner Media

“His impressive struggle for our common values, freedom and democracy, made a deep impression on us and allowed us to be closer and more united in solidarity than ever before.” Steinmeier assured: “We will continue to support Ukraine politically, militarily and financially as long as necessary.This also applies to rebuilding the battered country.

Zelenskyy, Zelenskyy or Zelenskyy? Did Steinmeier put the wrong name in the guestbook?

Zelenskyy’s participation in the ceremony in Aachen was uncertain for months. The country’s president, defending himself from Russia’s war of aggression, is considered to be very threatened. The ceremony at Aachen City Hall will be extremely strict safety standards accompanied.

Zelenskyy and Scholz previously held a press conference in Berlin

Early Sunday afternoon, Zelenskyy and Chancellor Olaf Scholz held a joint press conference in Berlin. At the same time, the Ukrainian president said that he said he was participating in a coalition for the Delivery of fighter jets to Ukraine to work. “I think I will also turn to the German side to find support here,” Zelenskyy said.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasized that that Germany will focus on the weapons systems that have been delivered so far. When asked if the weapons supply from the West was enough for an offensive, he said with a smile: “A few more visits and then it will be enough.”

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Chancellor Olaf Scholz speak at a press conference after their talks at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin. Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Chancellor Olaf Scholz speak at a press conference after their talks at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin. © dpa/Kay Nietfeld

At the same time, Zelenskyy recognized the new German military aid as very important for his country. “The volume of German aid is the second largest after the USA”, he said. At the press conference, Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasized that Germany will continue to support Ukraine and has already provided aid worth 17 billion euros.

In a joint statement by Ukraine and Germany resulting from the meeting, Germany announces that “more than 11 billion euros for 2023 and beyond” earmarked for military aid to Ukraine.

“We support as long as necessary”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz pledged Germany’s continued support for Ukraine and emphasized the imperialist nature of Russia’s war of aggression. “We will support you as long as necessary”, said the SPD politician on Sunday.

When asked, Scholz said it should be made clear that there could be no “dictated peace” in Ukraine because Russia did not recognize Ukraine’s sovereignty. Russia must withdraw its troops.

With this, Scholz confirms a Key point of a joint statement by Germany and Ukraine, which emerged as a result of the meeting. It states: “Russia must immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all its armed forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.”

“We don’t need many plans,” Zelenskyy said at the press conference on the topic of “peace plans”. He referred to his ten-point plan. “We have a war that takes place only on our territory.”

Police snipers guard the roof area of ​​the Federal Chancellery for the visit of the President of Ukraine. Police snipers guard the roof area of ​​the Federal Chancellery for the visit of the President of Ukraine. © dpa/Wolfgang Kumm

Russia’s relentless war of aggression against Ukraine has now lasted 444 days, Scholz said. The terrible war has significant geopolitical consequences, but it mainly affects the people of Ukraine. Germany also stands in solidarity with the refugees. Scholz: “That solidarity is enduring and strong.”

Scholz and Zelenskyy traveled together to Aachen

At the press conference, Scholz also announced that fly to Aachen together with President Zelenskyy wanted where Zelenskyy should accept the Charlemagne Prize.

Scholz had previously received Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with military honors at the Chancellery in Berlin. The two statesmen led a face to face conversation and more interviews in a slightly larger circle before going to press.

At the end of Zelenskyy’s visit to Berlin, on Sunday Consultations at the Security Office planned. In addition to Scholz, the committee includes Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (both SPD) and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens).

About 1,000 people took Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky with them to the Charlemagne Prize ceremony on Sunday a demonstration in Aachen supports. The train departed from the station towards the city centre. Most of the protesters were Ukrainians.

Many flew the Ukrainian flag and wore traditional shirts and blouses. Hundreds held blue balloons in their hands. In their midst, protesters wore a Tens of meters long Ukrainian flag. “Aachen stands with Ukraine,” read a banner at the start of the train. In parallel with the awarding of the Charlemagne Prize to Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people, six demonstrations from different camps were reported to the city police.

Participants of a demonstration protest against the delivery of weapons to Ukraine. Participants of a demonstration protest against the delivery of weapons to Ukraine. © dpa/Henning Kaiser

About 300 people entered accompanied by drums a pro-Russian march with. “Peace with Russia” they demanded on a banner. “I’m not at war with Russia,” read another banner. Other rallies had significantly fewer attendees. Events are scheduled to last until around 5pm.

Steinmeier received Zelenskyy at Bellevue Palace

On Sunday morning it was Zelenskyy by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier received.

Included thanked Zelenskyy Germany for support in the defensive struggle against Russia’s war of aggression and was immortalized with an entry in the Bellevue Palace guestbook.

“In the most difficult period of modern Ukrainian history, Germany as our true friend and reliable ally who stands firmly on the side of the Ukrainian people in their struggle to defend freedom and democratic values,” Zelenskyy wrote in English in the guestbook.

He added: “Together we will win and bring peace back to Europe.”

Volodymyr Zelenskyj is received by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in front of Bellevue Palace. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is received by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in front of Bellevue Palace. © dpa/Christophe Gateau

Expressly Zelenskyy personally thanked Steinmeier for your support. He wrote: “Thank you Mr. Federal President, for your personal support of Ukraine and hospitality.” He also thanked the German people for their “fantastic solidarity”. In German he added: “Thank you Germany!”

O Relationship between Steinmeier and Zelenskyy it was not easy at first – a visit by the German head of state to Ukraine only worked out for the third time at the end of October.

Zelenskyy’s first trip to Germany since the beginning of the war

Zelenskyy traveled to Germany for political talks for the first time since the Russian attack on Ukraine. “Already in Berlin”, he tweeted on Sunday morning. Government circles in Berlin had already confirmed the visit to the German Press Agency (DPA).

According to the Air Force, a Bundeswehr flight readiness aircraft picked up Zelenskyy in Rome on Saturday night.

The Air Force wrote on Twitter this morning: “Welcome to Germany! It is a great honor for us to welcome the President of Ukraine into German airspace!”

So Zelenskyy was picked up in Rome with an Airbus A319. Two Eurofighters from Lechfeld Air Base south of Augsburg he escorted the president “safely to Berlin”, he said.

O Zelenskyjs exact program it was not announced initially for security reasons.

Tightened security precautions in Berlin

Police continued on Sunday morning through parts of the center of the capital increased security measures around. A so-called general decree applies on Sunday 18 hours extensive security measures and traffic closures.

Those are particularly affected Areas around the government district in Mitte. It was also no longer possible to drive on the Spree near the Federal Chancellery.

Residents in the two affected areas around the Chancellery and Office of the Federal President must have an identification card with them for legitimacy purposes. Over these areas went in the morning see several helicopters.

The red carpet was rolled out at Bellevue Palace for the visit of Ukrainian President Zelensky. The red carpet was rolled out at Bellevue Palace for the visit of Ukrainian President Zelensky. © dpa/Jörg Carstensen

Germany is one of Ukraine’s most important supporters – both militarily and financially. Since the start of the war, the federal government has approved arms deliveries worth €2.75 billion. She announced on Saturday another multi-billion dollar support package at the. Scholz pledged support for Ukraine for as long as it takes.

more on the subject

Federal government announces 2.7 billion euro military package for Ukraine for awarding Charlemagne Prize to Zelenskyy About 400 units per year possible Rheinmetall partners with Ukraine’s tanks Special forces, sniffer dogs, special shifts

However, he also has himself. against the delivery of western-style fighter jets pronounced, which Ukraine has been demanding for months. (dpa/AFP, Tsp)