1684027615 Like the phoenix Facebook rises from its ashes

Like the phoenix, Facebook rises from its ashes

  • Facebook is becoming increasingly popular with videographers
  • The platform even has the luxury of being a step ahead of another service in the meta group: Instagram
  • This can be explained by the rise of short video formats and the introduction of monetization tools for content creators.

Those who thought Facebook was dead and buried will get their money’s worth. The platform continues to attract 2.037 billion active users as of April 2023. In France, no fewer than 26.6 million people connect to it every day, according to Digimind.

A survey conducted by Influencer Marketing Factory confirms the popularity of the service among content creators. To be clear, analysts actually surveyed 660 influencers based in the United States last month.

And the surprise was great, as it seems that 17% of respondents consider Facebook as their favorite application, with an increase of 3 percentage points compared to 2021. More spectacularly, the platform is now overtaking Instagram (also in the meta group). , which gets a place value of 16%, while two years earlier it had reached 22%.

Another number from this study makes Mark Zuckerberg’s social network happy. In fact, 17% of influencers believe Facebook is where they make the most money, up 7 points compared to 2021, while Instagram is down 5 points to 17%.

Why is Facebook becoming attractive again?

A question of size remains: How can we explain such a favorable development? The integration of Reels, a format for short videos similar to those of TikTok and Instagram, seems to be working tremendously.

Likewise, Facebook has introduced new monetization tools for videographers, and they appreciate the approach. Finally, Facebook remains a preferred platform for attracting a slightly older audience.

Another quite discreet change has taken place in the last few months, changing the way the social network works in a spectacular way. If you’re a regular user of Facebook, you’ve probably noticed that the algorithm suggests a lot of content that you’re not necessarily subscribed to, but that is related to your areas of interest.

This also happens to the detriment of the publications of your loved ones or the pages you follow. Anyhow, this subtle tweak brings the platform even closer to rivals TikTok and Instagram, where the accounts you follow aren’t always presented well.
