Lorenzo Biagiarelli an unprecedented low blow for Clerici he did

Lorenzo Biagiarelli, an unprecedented low blow for Clerici: he did it without scruples and without hesitation

Lorenzo Biagiarelli - ifood.itTerrible betrayal by Lorenzo Biagiarelli Source @Instagram – Ifood.it

Lorenzo Biagiarelli: Goodbye It's always noon, here are the details of the terrible betrayal. Clerici never expected that.

As we know, that is Food blogger Lorenzo Biagiarelli has been in the spotlight for some time due to a horrific criminal case that shocked and divided public opinion following the disappearance of Giovanna Pedretti.

After what happened, the food influencer, also known as the Companion of the journalist and commentator Selvaggia Lucarellidecided to take a break from È semper menoron, the culinary program hosted by Antonella Clerici and broadcast on the Rai networks.

Lorenzo Biagiarelli explained on his social channels that there were no conditions for a return to the Rai 1 show, in which the food blogger played the role of “Lord of anecdotes“Thanks to his experience discovering exotic foods, ingredients and cultures.

There Lorenzo Biagiarelli's announcement comes as a surprise to presenter Antonella Clericialso because without scruples and without hesitation he delivered news that was, to say the least, shocking: we will reveal everything behind the scenes of the terrible blow.

Lorenzo Biagiarelli: Low blow for Clerici

Many have suspected Lorenzo Biagiarelli's stop It's always midday In reality it was a farewell to the show and the confirmation came from the food blogger himself, but no one would have expected what happened since the presenter Antonella Clerici herself never published a message or comment on the facts.

Lorenzo Biagiarelli, in addition to the communication to which he no longer wants to return Clerici program, However, he released another statement. In fact, we will see him on television again, but this time in a popular show on the Mediaset networks.

Lorenzo Biagiarelli Clerici - ifood.itLorenzo Biagiarelli on It's Always Lunch Source @Instagram – Ifood.it

Goodbye, it's always lunchtime

Lorenzo Biagiarelli has declared that he will return to television. The doors are actually not closed for him, but he will be a guest of Bianca Berlinguer in her program for Rete4.Before tomorrowAs he himself said in a video on his Instagram profile: “Anyway, I'll be back on TV tonight! See you at Bianca Berlinguer to talk about food, the environment, the future and tractors.

This is the chef's message to all his fans and followers who can't wait to see him on TV again. It seems that Lorenzo Biagiarelli still has a future in the world of entertainment Early evening trip by Bianca Berlinguer.

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