Make way for Philo Pop with Philippe Audrey Larrue St Jacques

Make way for “Philo Pop” with Philippe-Audrey Larrue-St-Jacques

Comedian and presenter Philippe-Audrey Larrue-St-Jacques offers eight philosophical capsules in his new program “Philo Pop”, which will be available from October 5 on the Télé-Québec website.

“Philo Pop” makes it possible, thanks to humor and quick-wittedness, to explore philosophical arguments in order to better understand today’s world. One promises to “lighten and brighten our spirits.”

Sarah-Maude Beauchesne, Émile Bilodeau, Mathieu Dufour, Charles Hamelin, Georges St-Pierre, Patrick Lagacé, Khate Lessard and Cynthia Wu-Maheux are guests of Philippe-Audrey.

A Zone3 production, Philo Pop, will be available on on October 5th.