The second sector Apple is scrutinizing is online search. Rumors of a search engine developed by the brand in the utmost secrecy have been around for many years, but nothing concrete has been announced at the moment. The investment to fight Google in its favorite pastime is colossal, but it could pay off.
Today, Google pays between $8 billion and $12 billion a year to make its product the default search engine for iPhone, iPad, and Mac, via the Safari browser. If Apple happened to replace Google with its own engine, it could mechanically take some market share from the web giant, which would translate into hard cash through online ads placed between search results.
Nothing to worry about Google, now hegemonic in the field of research, but Apple could bet on its speech in favor of respect for privacy to convince several million users to change their habits.
Advertising is also the last topic that Apple pays special attention to. The manufacturer has expanded the areas for advertisers in the App Store and could add Apple Maps, Apple Podcasts and Apple Books. Apple TV+ is also expected to start showing ads about baseball and soccer game broadcasts.
By guaranteeing absolute privacy for its users and convincing advertisers with the argument that there are billions of devices out there affected by an apple, Apple could inflate its advertising revenue very quickly. This could weaken Google, which is 80% dependent on its advertising revenue.