Marcelo Serrado leaves public office after Ghost server crash

Marcelo Serrado leaves public office after Ghost server crash

Marcelo Serrado has resigned from his public office at Rio de Janeiro City Hall. The actor, who currently stars in Globo’s soap opera Cara e Coragem, has been artistic director of the cultural complex Cidade das Artes for a year and nine months since the current government of the capital city of Rio de Janeiro took office on January 1, 2021. The removal was published in the municipality’s gazette last Tuesday (13/9) and comes shortly after a Band News report denounced instances of phantom employees at the agency.

The article published on September 6th does not mention Marcelo Serrado, who assured that he left the post because he could not reconcile his work with the shots of the global features section. “I left for personal reasons. I’ve been trying to get out for a while,” the actor explained in an interview with Folha de São Paulo. The newspaper also noted that he received a salary of R$8,000.

marceloserradoMarcelo Serrado

Marcelo SerradoReproduction/Instagram

MarceloSerradoproimpeachment2016Marcelo Serrado for impeachment in 2016

By 2016, Serrado fought PTTwitter/Reproduction

Advertisement from partner Metropoles 1MarceloSerradodestaqueREDMarcelo Serrado

The actor has previously said he regrets endorsing Moro, Aécio and Bolsonaro on Twitter/Reproduction

MarceloSerradoMoaMarcelo Serrado Moa

Marcelo Serrado plays the stuntman Moa in Cara e CoragemGlobo/João Miguel Júnior

Metropolis 2 affiliate advertisingMarceloSerradoemDissonantesMarcelo Serrado in dissonants

Marcelo Serrado in Dissonantes Disclosure


Serrado was hired to manage the cultural complex by Daniela Maia, then president of Riotur, a Rio tourism company, and her then sisterinlaw. She is also the daughter of former mayor Cesar Maia, author of the cultural project, which took ten years to build and has a budget of R$ 560 million.

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