Maria De Filippi without brakes on Ida Platano quotYoure acting

Maria De Filippi without brakes on Ida Platano: "You’re acting like a 15 year old"

Maria De Filippi returns to raise her voice on television and this time she does it in one of the episodes of her historical dating show Men and Women. After indulging in an insult live in Tu si que vales, where De Filippi called a competitor “parac**o”, this time Maurizio Costanzo’s wife threw herself at one of the most experienced ladies and most loved by the public of his iconic Canale 5 program in the early afternoon, Ida Platano. During one of the usual curtain calls between Ida and Riccardo, who once again began teasing and talking about their complex addictive relationship, Maria decided to step in to speak her mind and help Riccardo understand why she thinks Ida is in A behaved in a certain way and had decided to go out with his old flame Alessandro again even though she wasn’t in love with him.

“She did it because she likes you, but since you were dancing with another woman and she decided to distract herself and not think about you, she went out with Alessandro out of spite,” explained Maria Riccardo, who he however still didn’t understand De Filippi’s words. At this point, Maria warmed up and insisted that Riccardo didn’t understand her reasoning, throwing herself at Ida and calling her a 15-year-old.

“I’m sorry to tell you, but sometimes you look like a 15-year-old,” said Maria and Ida, who listened speechless to this sentence. The presenter was referring to her “juvenile” behavior that she has every time we talk about Riccardo, since she can never be clear with him and have a mature demeanor. Then Maria immediately gave Riccardo the “12-year-old”.