Meet the American couple who are eagerly awaiting their

Meet the American couple who are eagerly awaiting their sixth child after the birth of quintuplets

In less than a year, Haylee Ladner, originally from Mississippi, USA, had five babies and wanted to start a family with her husband Shawn. This happened after she suffered from infertility problems and resorted to artificial insemination. To the surprise of many, the parents were recently informed that they are now expecting a sixth child. A powerful story that has attracted widespread attention in the United States.

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American family announces she had quintuplets

In an extraordinary event that is estimated to occur once in every 60 million births, there are a few Mississippi welcomed quintuplets University of Mississippi Medical Center. The proud parents, Haylee And Shawn LadnerOn February 16 last year, she welcomed four girls and a boy.

The girls are identical quadruplets, an extremely rare phenomenon with a probability of 1 in 15 million. The boy named Jake was the oldest at birth; It weighed 2 pounds and 5 ounces. The girls are Adalyn, Everleigh, Magnolia and Malley. The latter was the smallest, weighing 1 pound and 11 ounces.

According to the media Good morning AmericaHaylee suffered two miscarriages and underwent artificial insemination (IUU) in 2022. It noted that at the time of the ultrasound scan, there were five heartbeats visible on the screen.

As explained in University of Mississippi Medical Center for the middle TodayLadner suffers PCOS syndromeShe had therefore ruled out having a child naturally.

Meet the American couple who are eagerly awaiting theirHaylee Ladner and her husband Shawn attempted to have a child through artificial insemination; However, they had quintuplets.

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After a series of events, Haylee was informed that she was expecting a new baby. At first, nausea and tiredness took hold; So she took a pregnancy test, which came back positive. The situation confused the woman and her husband, Shawn. “We didn't try and I was on contraceptives,” Haylee told the US show Today.

Her doctor later confirmed that she was indeed expecting a baby, but this time a girl. At the first ultrasound appointment it turned out that she was already around 11 weeks old.

Now Haylee, who is 15 weeks pregnant, has explained that she and her husband are looking forward to welcoming another child. According to the couple, the arrival of the new member would be scheduled for the end of June.

“We wanted to share this story for two reasons: first, because we believe they are miracles given to us by God, and second, because we wanted to do it to help other couples who have also suffered from infertility show that there is also hope in the world,” Ladner told the podcast “Good Things with Rebecca Turner”.

1709294602 683 Meet the American couple who are eagerly awaiting theirThe American couple was surprised by the birth of a sixth child. Photo: Today