Meloni meets Erdogan in Istanbul | An agreement on migration flows from Libya is imminent ​​


The Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni met the Turkish President Recep Tayyp Erdogan in the Vahdettin Palace, one of the presidential residences in Istanbul. In the morning, the Prime Minister – as Palazzo Chigi reported – took a walk in the city's bazaar. During her visit to Istanbul's largest and oldest market, Meloni, surrounded by escort officials, was applauded by various shopkeepers and passers-by.

Migration flows from Libya towards the agreement Meeting in Istanbul, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Turkish President Recep Tayyp Erdogan discussed strengthening migration cooperation, with last year's cooperation resulting in a 56% reduction in irregular migration flows along the Italy-Turkey corridor. Cooperation in this area will also become increasingly closer with regard to Libya, where the respective foreign ministries want to conclude an agreement soon. The two leaders discussed the security and development of the Mediterranean region, with a particular focus on Libya, as well as the future of Africa, including with a view to the next summit in Rome. Finally, the meeting provided an opportunity to exchange views on EU-Turkey relations in the political, economic and commercial areas, also in the light of the recent joint communication from the Commission and the EU High Representative.