Men and women Maria De Filippi angry at a knight

Men and women: Maria De Filippi angry at a knight …

In the episode of Men and Women airing today on Canale5, Gianluca’s confessions are causing a stir. After fooling Sara Zilli, the knight returns to the center of gossip for some hot releases that anger De Filippi.

09.00 men and women: Gianluca embarrasses Maria De Filippi

In studying the men and women after compare Alessandro Rausa and Pinuccia, Gianluca fends up in the center of gossip. The episode begins with Pinuccia’s tears after watching Alessandro Rausa Dance with a new lady. The knight says she seemed calm when he spoke to her on the phone.

Pinuccia confesses that she wrote Alessandro a letter revealing her feelings for the knight, but Alessandro reiterates that he has no interest in her except as a friend. Maria DeFilippi he intervenes decisively and explains to the knight that Pinuccia wants more than just friendship, in short, he wants everything to remain as it was before, full of passion.

According to the focus of the study of men and women End Sarah Zilli and Gianluca, who once again talk about their couple problems, which result from the difference in age and above all from the knight’s desire to associate with new and young ladies. Needless to say, the lady suffered from those harsh words.

Men and women: red light confessions for Gianluca in the studio

09.00 men and women: Gianluca embarrasses Maria De Filippi

for Will be comes another bad shot: Stefanie admits that Gianluca He spoke of her as an annoying woman. Maria DeFilippi then he reveals that during their dinner with Sara, Gianluca has been talking about her extravagant sexual habits.

Alberta also confirms that Gianluca shared the same remarks about her sex life with her. At this point Biagio di Maro intervenes and says that there are rumors in Naples that Gianluca is not even single, but above all that he is considered a sex phenomenon with popular voices.

However, one fact remains: neither Sara nor Alberta believe that Gianluca is sincere and ready to find the love of his life. Meanwhile the moderator Maria from Filippi, he seems shocked by Gianluca’s statements and berates him harshly for his lack of tact and listening.